Saturday 10 December 2005

Money's too tight

I've been going a little heavy on the spending of late, so I thought I'd take advantage of the bikers' good natures and try to earn some extra cash at the North West Bikers' Charity Toy Run today:

Topless model

Ho-ho-ho-only joking!

...Or am I?

Yes, so it was today. It was good fun, I was riding up front with the Midlife Crisis Motorcycle Club. Here are just a few of the photos I took. Yes I also took some while I was on the bike; most of them are either very blurred, or of things like treetops or tarmac.


Lots of people made an effort to dress up and there were a few of these:

Santa biker

There were some familiar faces (to people in the UK) there too. Here we have: TV doctor Chris Steel; Home Office Minister and Salford MP, Hazel Blears; Coronation street actors, Simon Gregson (Steve MacDonald) and somebody referred to as "Tyrone" and Bev Callard (Liz MacDonald):

Well known

In all, there were about 2000 bikes (normal motorbikes, choppers, trikes, scooters) and it's hoped that they'll raise more than last year's total of over £16,000 for Francis House Children's Hospice and loads of toys for the sick kids at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital.

Thanks to everyone who made a donation too: I've raised about £50-60. Not bad for doing very little, although I was very brave in taking those photos.

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