Thursday 22 December 2005

Sniffy Advent: Day the twenty second

What day is it?
One of the fantastic things about Christmas time is the way that all sense of time between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day is completely lost; you have no idea what day of the week you're on and, more importantly, it doesn't really matter.

In days gone by, I'd know what day it was by what page we were on in the fortnight's TV listings magazine. "Oh look, today is French and Saunders day. Tomorrow is Sound of Music day." Why would anything else matter? You could tell that New Year (which I hate) was approaching, and that Christmas was really over, when the telly started to get really boring again.

I'm going down to Norfolk the day after Boxing Day (26th). I've no idea what day of the week this is, and I don't really care. The only day I need to worry about from Friday onwards is the 9th of January. I know that this is a Monday because this is the day that I go back to work after my break.

Ah, that loss of sense of time is so childish and so very wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I've become too insignificant to warrant a nickname; I've now been shortened to an ellpisis.

Anonymous said...

Of course you aren't insignificant, Aas, perish the thought! I was simply late for a meeting and was trying to be brief as I am not paid to comment on Ms. Cakesniffer's blog. My appologies :o)

-Aak, not to be confused with the magnificent Aas