Friday 29 April 2005

My boyfriend has a twat

After spending most of the day doing blog comments and not blogging, I thought I'd answer the following comment in a new post.

Herge Smith said...
Getting right arsed off with this visiting other blogs bollocks,Jesus, you leave a few sarcastic comments and the bastards never get back to you.I thought there was some sort of code?Have you been here? - sorry can't get the link to work.I'd be interested to know what you think - make sure you check out the number of comments she gets for the blog subjects she covers. Hmm

Yeah, she does get a lot of comments. I think she must've built up a fan-base over a period of time. She's probably also done that thing of registering for every blog directory. And the blog title is actually quite attractive if you're cruising around; it'd catch your eye, wouldn't it? Anything with a swear word in the title would. How about a blog called "Big fat cocks"?

The content of the My boyfriend is a twat blog isn't that remarkable though. It's just some bint going on about her life and her useless boyfriend. At least I assume it is, I haven't really read it because it doesn't look particularly interesting. Pot, kettle...

Half the poor cows in this country could whinge about boyfriends or husbands. About 35-40% could go on about the pros and cons of being single. And this would leave an interesting minority of women who could talk about being gay or bisexual or transgender. It's this 10% we want to hear from!!! Come on girls, we need more librarian gossip. Perhaps then we might get blogs called "My boyfriend has a twat"- that'd definitely be worth a look.

Hope that doesn't cause any offence to the librarians again. Or gay or bisexual women. Or boyfriends with twats.

Ah fuck it, what do I care? I'm not offended by it so it must be OK. I bet the librarians kick off though. I'll be blacklisted all over the country now. Do all libraries smell the same?

Talking of libraries...
When I was a university student - back in the days when education was free (there were even grants), but entry into university was based on ability and courses actually meant something - there was a weirdo stalker who frequented the main science library (that'd be the Edward Boyle Library at the University of Leeds). Nobody knows who it was because they were never identified or apprehended, but this person (who we believe was a bloke) used to watch women who were studying in the library and leave those marshmallow flump sweets by his victims to indicate that he'd been watching them. They wouldn't realise a thing until they picked up their stuff to go and there'd be a nice sweetie waiting there for them. How fucking freaky is that? Of course, they all needed counselling by the Women's mini bus volunteers who were WIMMIN!!.

Oh yeah, you may think the flump stalker was weird and scary, but not half as freaky and disturbing as living less than a mile from where one of the Yorkshire Ripper's victims was found (near Lupton Flats in Headingly). Hence the Women's mini bus - which no sane woman used because the women who ran the service were actually a lot scarier than the prospect of stumbling across the very dark Woodhouse Moor on your own in the middle of the night.

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