Sunday 10 April 2005

eBay bastards

This is one of those photos that does the rounds in joke e-mails, but it's pretty funny.

Yes, ebay. I'm bidding on an Italian language CD course thing. The price has been 50p for two days, but some bitch has now entered a maximum bid of £5 with 4 hours to go. Stupid twat. In these situations, I like to engage in a game of Ebay Poker with my adversary. I enter a series of incremental maximum bids of my own, but just enough to force the price up so the eventual winner has to pay their maximum bid price. It's a bit of a risk because you could end up paying for something yourself, but it's a lesson to those who bid on things that I want. You do NOT fuck with me!

Of course, if you really want an item, the idea is to wait until an auction is in it's final minute before you enter your maximum bid. Or you could just buy it from Amazon or Amazon Marketplace because the price will probably less than at the end of a bidding war.

It'd be quite good if you could find out who you were bidding against you could threaten them when they were pissing you off. Or even better, find out where they lived so you could go round and steal off them if they outbid you.

I've been pissed off because I was shafted over that job I had the interview for. After being asked to apply after the closing date, then being given lots of hints and basically being told that the job was mine, after going through all the stress of preparing for and then the interview itself, they decided to give the job to somebody else. I've no idea what went on, but something must've happened to make them change their mind and it wasn't the interview. So I'm pissed off and very depressed. If I can't even get a job in those circumstances, what are my chances elsewhere?

I really do need to brush up on my martial arts and swordplay; the list of people who have pissed me off is growing and I need to start some killings.

eBay update

I'm having so much excitement, watching the last quarter hour of my eBay auction. I wonder if somebody will pip me at the post. This could end up being spookily like the situation with that job... Could I take two major disappointments in the same week?

Why is it that when you edit a post, the line spacing goes weird?

11 minutes, 50 seconds.... I'm not mad keen on the woman, but I thought Camilla looked really nice at her wedding yesterday... 9 minutes, 37 seconds.... This suspense is killing me! I can't believe I'm getting so excited over something that is probably shit... 8 minutes, 1 second... We're having roast chicken tonight, not had that for a while... 7 minutes, 15 seconds - still winning! Eeek, I can hardly bear to look... 5 minutes, 44 seconds and all is well... 3 minutes, 49 seconds... trying to take my mind off it by looking at compact flash on Dabs and Amazon, it's all getting a bit too much for me... 2 minutes, 55 seconds... I'm going to burst! The thing is, I can always get it new from Amazon if I don't win this auction, but this has turned into a battle of wills that i need to emerge victorious from... 1 minute, 36 seconds... FIFTYNINE seconds... TWENTYSEVEN seconds... Congratulations! You won, you are THE BEST ebay bidder EVER!

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