Tuesday 19 April 2005

Connielingus are you there??

Hey, this Technorati thing is pretty smart. I just happened to be having a squiz to see who was linking to Cakesniffers and I found 4 other sites. FOUR? Angry Chimp + Half an Identity were the obvious ones, but I was very flattered to see that connielingus in Canada has linked to me. So Connie, if you're reading, many thanks, I'm really flattered.

Oh, and the librarians *wink* must be doing the same as me in searching for people who are blogging them because they've got a post about my "Get a life" entry from Saturday. I've just apologised to them for taking the piss.

Angry Chimp induces "Paula Radcliffe Moment"
I've just been having another look at Angry Chimp's synopsis of the Radio Four schedule for Monday. I nearly wet myself (but in no way did I come close to a number two!). If you're reading this blog, but you've never visited the Chimp site, just go and have a look NOW. It's one of the funniest things on the interweb.
It's also balanced precariously and deliciously on the edge of decency - but who ever said that real life was pretty? Certainly not Pope Benedict XVI.

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