Monday 21 February 2005

You give me rrrrrrrrroad rrrrrrrrrage!

Apparently, the Department of Transport is having a look at the stuff that the roads are surfaced with (stone mastic asphalt, SMA) here in the UK after concerns were raised about its safety. In Ireland, there are strict 30mph limits on those roads with this particular surface because they recognise that it's got exceptionally low skid resistance and vehicles don't stop on it in an emergency.

BBC News "Hidden menace on UK roads"

Charming. Not content with taxing the UK motorist to death, this bastard government is trying to do away with us in one big multiple pile-up!

Interweb counters
I got a new counter that I'm trying while I see if my other one comes back to life.

Some pics
I was going to post some humorous pics, but I can't be arsed.

Why do ring doughnuts only come with icing sugar on these days? Yet you can get granulated sugar on a jam doughnut. Bloody stupid.

My tosspot neighbour was knocking nails into the wall adjoining my bedroom till gone 11pm last night. Not that I have to get up at 5.30 and try to work suffering from sleep deprivation because of their fucking low-life selfishness or anything. Wanker wants to try working for a day or so himself, inconsiderate fucking thick as pigshit bastard that he is. The thing is, it's not as if he couldn't do this DIY during the day when the rest of us proper people are out at work. Probably too busy whinging to social services. Bunch of useless twats. I wish the roof space between the two houses wasn't bricked up, I'd get myself in there and set fire to it; making sure that I completely destroyed the wife's horrendous record collection (she thinks she's Patsy bleedin' Kline ("Crazy, crazy for feeling so lonely..."), stupid, useless, thick, noisy and VERY COMMON wench). Perhaps I'll just continue to live as Beatrix Kiddo in my head and think about what I'd do to them if I had a very sharp Hattori Hanso samurai sword. If only.

Senor Misterioso
This guy would sort them. Is he an extremely dangerous man, or just a harmless socialite in a glowing suit? He's just a red cross in a box at the moment because the image venue server seems to be having a moment. It may come back, but if it doesn't it's probably something to do with Senor Misterioso's mystery that's interfering with the server - keeping him of identity unknown!
You can check him out at the Archie McPhee website.

I'm so excited because I'm going to be having proper home-made chips with sausage and beans (and perhaps also a regg) for my tea tomorrow night. They're being cooked for me by my lovely friend. I love lovely people.

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