Sunday 13 February 2005

Serving up a treat

We've all seen lame serving suggestions on food packaging and in adverts, but I was rather stunned to see what Kwik Save (40 years of low prices!) was suggesting in their latest flyer:

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I don't think I'd be best pleased if somebody offered me a slab of raw beef or a selection of raw pork chops - no matter how much it was dressed up with fresh herbs! Very reasonable prices though, there's no argument with that. And Christmas was never Christmas without the "Liquor saving Kwik Save" ads on TV.

Next door's washing is still on the line. Unbelievable. I might go round and tell them that Birds Eye fish fingers and Kwik Save 'steak' cut chips are half price this week. It'll save them eating from McDonalds or the chippy every night. Deep breaths and calm thoughts.

Wigs on fire
As I was drying my hair this afternoon (yes, afernoon, it's SUNDAY!), I noticed either smoke or steam coming off it. No wonder the smoke alarm's been going off.

True Romance
My sister has just noticed me writing this post and she asked "Have you got a bloke?". Eh? Apparently she thought I was writing an e-mail to somebody "special" - well, I could do that, but I might get a court order put on me for stalking. She's obsessed with finding somebody for me. Jesus help me, I might go and take holy orders. Saying that, I think I'd suit a wimple and I quite like navy. I know most of the words to the Sound of Music too, so I could do well.

Moustaches on women
It's not attractive, but it's something that starts to happen in women's mid twenties. If we're not careful, we get the full beard to go with it by the time we're 35 too.

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