Saturday 12 February 2005

Spank me on the bottom with a Woman's Weekly!

Valentine's Day is here soon, Monday to be exact. As a person who's never been on the receiving (or giving) end on Valentine's Day (awwwwww), it's always been quite an interesting occasion to observe as an outsider. If you care about somebody, your partner, you should really tell them as often as possible, but folk get busy and it's easy to forget those things when there's so much other stuff going on. Because of such pressures, Valentine's Day is obviously a good occasion to take time out and use the opportunity to tell somebody that you care. And if, like me, you have nobody (unbelievable, I know), then it's just one of those things; maybe, one day, someone will come (in the words of Mick Hucknall).

It is totally incredulous that a load of people will make plans to commit mass suicide on this day while logged on to an internet chat room! Not knowing what their motives are, it's not fair to judge, but if folk are so depressed about not having anybody special, they ought to get their arses out of the house and do a bit of socialising with real people. They shouldn't be cruising the internet for other people who are living in similar vacuums.

In the main, chat rooms are great fun; they give people from all over the world the chance to "meet up" and have a laugh. Sometimes, real friendships and relationships evolve when people get chatting over the internet (I have some very real and very wonderful mates who I met on tinternet). Chat rooms can also provide a dynamic forum for discussion on many different topics. However, some users do take things far too seriously and trouble can result. Having been a regular visitor to a particular room for a good 6 months a couple of years ago, I saw the whole spectrum of chatters (there were some complete weirdos) and I'm the first to admit that it can be a very compelling activity, mainly because it's such good fun. However, when it switches from being fun to being an absolute essential for your daily existence, then you're in trouble.

I wonder how many bloggers used to or still visit chat rooms; it seems a natural progression.

Woman's Weekly?
You've got to be a British comedy fan to understand what that means.

Google Adsense
No idea how it picks which ads to display over there but it has absolutely nothing to do with me, Your Honour. Apparently, it scans the content of your blog, or website, and it posts adverts that are relevant to your topic areas. Strange then that there are no ads for colonic irrigation aids, incontinence supplies or hired hitmen.

The Adsense thing only went up today and the last time I looked, it had earned me 7c! I knew my writing would earn me some cash one day, but I won't be buying that cottage in Lancashire for about 23,000 years at this rate. Oh, to be discovered....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a neat blog with lots of interesting stuff in it.


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