Saturday 19 February 2005

Film extras

Rob Roy's on the telly next door; I can hear Scottish people getting massacred by the English. If only. I like the extras in films like that; Titanic and Lord of the Rings are classics for it. It fits the age-old winning formula that dates back to the biblical classics like Ben Hur and The Greatest Story Ever Told. There would be cities or communities that were facing death and destruction from invaders or disaster (where all the "Middle Eastern" and African people had bright blue eyes??) and they'd show the men running about and falling over, and the women huddled up together with the children, looking "scared". The same scene could've been taken from any one of those films and cut and pasted into another (sinking of Titanic, the death of Christ in Ben Hur, attack on that city thing in Return of the King).

In fact, Lord of the Rings was ruined by the extras and the stupid comedy moments (Merry and Pippin - whichever the irriating Jock shit was); why do they always have to put a quirky comedy character in films that would be so much better if they were kept serious? Must be to appeal to stupid people who can't concentrate on the plot for more than 5 minutes at a time.

Pile of shit, you wouldn't find that in a gritty Northern drama.

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