Sunday 13 February 2005

Muesli and other tortures

"Sometimes I think muesli is God's way of making Shredded Wheat seem interesting." For some reason (habit), I have a combination of the two for my breakfast; today, there's a bit of mixed dried fruit thrown in there too. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough milk to cover it all, so it's a bit of a struggle. They could've used this stuff in the witch trials.

For most people, the weekend is great; anticipation of Friday evening is just about the one thing that sees us through Monday mornings. Once Monday mornings have been negotiated without incident, a kind of numbness descends that anaesthetises us for the rest of the working week. If we're lucky, Monday to Friday brings us no challenges greater than battling to and from work, or fighting to hold off on a king size Twix in that period between 3 and 4pm when blood sugar plummets. Unfortunate people have to use their brains and other skills to do work. Eeeeugghh. Whatever happens, the working week is tiring and it's a huge theft of our time that's never compensated enough by our salaries. The weekend gives us the opportunity to relax, to be ourselves, to do the things we want to do, to ACHIEVE something!

Odd then, that somebody who looks forward to the weekend so much, has wasted this entire couple of days by having ridiculously long lie-ins! In all fairness, these were fuelled by late nights, sleep that was disturbed by strong winds and the cats being upset because they thought the strong winds were actually a big monster outside that was coming get them (if only). Nevertheless, I've wasted the entire weekend and I still feel crap.

Any excuse to avoid going to the gym and I'll take it! It's not that I don't want to go, it's just that I ache so much and I've got a pain in my ankle/shin that was brought on by having my trainers fastened too tight while I was running the other night. I think I'd cut off the circulation around my ankles and it didn't half ache, now it's a bit painful to walk on. Some people just aren't made for physical exercise.

Arsehole bloggers who mess about with their page templates to remove the Blogger header bar thing really piss me off. The header bar is the bit with the search box and the "next blog" button. It's sometimes fun to scroll through the blogs to see what's going on, but sometimes, you'll get to one where some dickhead has buggered about with the template and removed the "next blog" button because they think their crap page is so great that you'll never want to move on to the next one. Fuckers. Oh, and music in blogs is shite too. But the worst combination is a foreign language blog, with music, where the "next blog" button has been removed - great for when your having a sneaky look while you're at work and you can't navigate away from the page. Thanks very much.

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