Tuesday 6 September 2005

Salad days

That'll be me soon. Having enjoyed a month of excesses of food and almost zero exercise, I'll be trying to shed the few extra pounds that I've gained by chomping on salady things and getting some regular sessions back in down at the gym.

But here's what gets my goat.


To me, a salad is a mixture of specific types of raw vegetables (lettuce, fennel, chicory, tomatoes (yes, I know), etc, that can be accompanied with a dressing of some sort and perhaps something meaty, cheesy or fishy on the side. Apart from the accompanying meaty, fishy or cheesiness, and Ok, perhaps a hard-boiled egg, nothing that's been cooked qualifies as a salad ingredient.

Under any circumstances.


Examples of qualifying salady candidates
Lettuce (NEVER iceberg!)
Carrot (grated)
Chinese leaves
Onion (sometimes)

All connected by the fact that you don't cook 'em.

Examples of things often classfied as salady, but should not be allowed anywhere near a salad
Cous cous

No No NO! What these dreadful things are - usually accompanied by that greasy partner in crime, mayonnaise - are cold platter components. This is fine, but do NOT give me any of these things and dare to call it a salad.

I think I'm feeling a bit luteal.

Photographic interlude
Time for some calming pictures....



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