Sunday 18 September 2005

Bouncing off the satellites

In the absence of inspiration, light and warmth, I am resorting to a photograph of the moon – again.

September moon

Summer is well and truly over; I am getting very down in the dumps.

Autumn is a rubbish season. For all it being Nature’s own fireworks display, what with its rustling, rusty leaves falling from the trees and swirling around in the wind, Autumn has nothing to promise but cold and darkness. The only thing Autumn signals is the start of the 6 month wait until the sun regains enough energy to warm the bones.

Soon be Christmas
Indeed, and with Hallowe’en still 6 weeks away, the supermarkets are already stocked with witchy paraphernalia and, more depressingly, Christmas cards, gift bags and the like.

I shall try to ignore this unwarranted pressure from the retail giants. I shall do Christmas at my own pace and enjoy it just the same, even more so than being prepared 3 months prematurely.

Outside, the numpties are lettting off fireworks with seven weeks to go before Bonfire Night. Not long before there's an incessant barage of aerial explosives, attacks on animals and terrorism of the eldelrly from dusk till dawn. Of course, the Government has promised to curb sales of these things. Nice to see they've managed to keep that promse too. I'd love to shove them up their arses. Wankers.

Looking forward to
The winter months tend to bring out the best in the telly schedules, thank fuck. There should be something worthwhile on the cards on that front. Of course, I'd been looking forward to watching my Withnail and I DVD and, with Mum and Dad busying themselves with other things, I finally sat down to enjoy it. Then brother turned up with his girlfriend, then Mum and Dad decided sit in and huff and puff and rustle through the papers at the moment when Withnail spurts out, "Monty, you terrible cunt!". My enjoyment was not as it might have been.

As for this week, there’s the excitement of waiting for the outcome of the grumbling abdominal pains that have befallen the Cakesniffy colon since Friday. Is it appendicitis? Is it a tummy bug? Is it trapped wind, or a touch of constipation? No idea, but it’s hurt like a bastard and I want it to stop.

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