Wednesday 7 September 2005


This is a very short tribute to a very good blogger. His insightful nature, intelligence and command of English ooze from every post. More importantly, he's very witty and has me "lol"ing an awful lot.

I am referring to Garfer, creator general of Tunnock's Teacakes Forever. Now, I don't want Herge to get jealous here, he knows he's top dog (or should do by now), but I just want to highlight Garfer's stuff in case people who come here have happened to miss it.

In a recent post, Garfer attacked racial stereotypes, particularly the way in which the Irish are portrayed by the British. He used good arguments and excellent examples for emphasis. It, justfiably, provoked a number of comments. These two made me howl:

pissoff said...
You know, my grandfather's great greandfather was Irish. What does that make me? LMAO.

2:48 PM

garfer said...
About 0.0025% Mick. Add in a smidgeon of Canadian squaw and you have the perfect recipe for a pycho nutbag.
You seem to have escaped quite lightly. Probably all that spotted dick has kept you sane.

3:18 PM

"Psycho nutbag": told you he was insightful.

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