Monday 19 September 2005

Cakesniffing Canadian cultural exchange comes full circle

Way back when we were still waiting the promise of summer to be filfilled, a cultural exchange programme was set up between Cakesniffers and that Canadian blog GODDESS, April over at pissoff.

We saw them before they were packed away...

Pickles in British Columbia

We saw what April got in return...

Sniffy T

And we were as delighted as she was when she stretched that t shirt over her womanly form and paraded round in front of the camera for us....


Ahhh, alas, the summer has passed, but one lasting reminder of those balmy days landed at Cakesniffer's door today...

A pressie for me

Oh the excitement!

On opening the box, I was thrilled to see that some cans of smoked salmon, captured and murdered by April's own fair hand*, had also made it into the box, along with some crackers with French writing on (probably poisoned, knowing those Frenchies).

Pickletastic parcel contents

*Unfortunately, April hasn't provided any photos of her wrestling with anything, so we'll all just have to use our imaginations as far as that's concerned.

So, what of these amazing pickles?? Worth the wait?? Let's see the very moments that I tried them...


Yep, they're fuckin' delish, no doubting it. A bit saltier than the ones we get over here and that makes them FOOOKIN' DELISH in my book.

So April was right, as far as dill pickles are concerned, those darned Canadians have got it sussed. But us Brits have got it licked as far as not getting sucked in to paying $30CDN for surface mail: £1.99 it cost me to send that T-shirt airmail. Let that be a lesson to you all thinking of engaging in cultural exchanges: send something that doesn't cost a fortune to post.

Thanks though April, I really do appreciate it, they're lovely and I'm going to save a jar especially for the Boxing Day running buffet.

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