Thursday 22 September 2005

Popbitch digest

To save wasting my creativity, I thought I might as well steal somebody else's. Popbitch is a weekly e-mail digest of the latest hot gossip from Celebland. To subscribe to Popbitch, visit

They have some excellent celebrity gossip in this week's "Moss on the cross" digest; a selection of some of the more bizarre stories follows:

An escaped pet monkey from Kuala Lumpur got to the western
state Pahang, chased a 12-year-old boy into his house and bit him
on the buttocks last week.

>> Murderous paedo sea otters <<
Morgan's exploits seal his fate

Californian sea otter Morgan was abandoned as a pup, and taken into care by the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Sea Otter programmes, which attempts to rehabilitate parentless otters. But like so many products of the care system, it all went wrong. When he was released back into the wild, Morgan became a serial killer paedophile... of baby seals.

Morgan used to shag the seal pups and when he was done with them, hold them under water to drown them. He raped and killed about 20 seals off the Californian coast, at one time even attracting a copycat Son-Of-Morgan rapist wild otter.

After a year, naturalists finally managed to recapture Morgan. They considered castrating him but then decided that would leave him a non-contributing member of otter society, taking up valuable space in otter habitat. So they kept him in captivity, where he will only be allowed to have sex with female sea-otters. No doubt Morgan finds this rather dull.

Cute otters at Monterey last week:

>> Bunny's too tight - Apology <<
Serial rabbit killer has only one true love

In a recent Popbitch, we alleged that a Sydney man had been arrested for having sex with, and then killing, 18 rabbits. We are now informed that, in the case of the first 17 rabbits, he merely tortured and killed them. It was only the lucky 18th that got shagged by the weirdo. And he somehow managed to have full vaginal sex with it.

Cliff Richard and G4 are doing a reworked version of
Cliff's classic: "Miss you nights" for Christmas.
Let's kill ourselves now.

>> Things that make you go hmmm <<
Gay penuins, Chris Rea, porno dolls

Croatia has started Sheep Idol. The winner of the 10-day competition will receive poetry in its honour instead of money. Those voted out of the seven-member herd might be eaten. "I am not an insensitive bastard who abuses animals", says organiser Sinisa Labrovic.

Central Park zoo's gay penguin couple Silo and Roy have split. Silo left his mate of six years for Scrappy - a girl penguin.

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