Monday 19 September 2005

Shut the fuck up and listen to me

Cakesniffer and Chimp are joing forces in the Darth Fucking Vader of Blogs: Shut the fuck up and listen to me.

In addition to our usual stuff at Cakesniffers and Angry Chimp, Shut the fuck up and listen will hopefully allow us to get back to some of the more vitriolic, unprovoked and unreasonable observations and attacks that we started our respective blogs with way back. We'll also be able to do some joint things.

Not sure how it's going to work just yet. It won't be pretty - no graphics and very few or no photos - but it might be fun.

Cakesniffers and Chimp will remain as they are, but Shut the fuck up will allow us to vent our respective spleens in full, glorious beige.

S'pose I'd better do something for it now.

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