Saturday 17 September 2005

Escape from Houseplant Big Brother

Regular readers of Cakesniffers may remember a recent post in which various types of houseplant were scrutinised, criticised, pulled apart and voted out of the Big Brother Greenhouse.

Evictee Spider seemed to be exploiting his new found fame to pursue a "live it up" lifestyle of sun and fun in the Lancashire countryside. When we last saw him, he was enjoying the tranquility of running water while taunting the fish and snails in Trillion's pond.

Pimp my spiderplant
Spider lives it up

But how the mighty have fallen. We revisted Spider just a couple of weeks after his eviction from the Greenhouse. Imagine our shock when we found him in this state:

Fuck off, what do you care?  I can handle it!

Crack whore lifestyle takes its toll

It seems that Spider just wasn't capable of handling all that new-found fame and fortune. Shocked and appalled.

But not as shocked and appalled as pilgrims visiting Pope John Paul the Second's tomb in the Vatican were when they noticed that one of the Houseplant Housemates had escaped the Greenhouse and was blatantly showing off in a most disrespectful manner imaginable.

Peace lilly takes the piss
Suck a fuck! On the tomb of PJP2!?!?

The rebellious streak of Peace Lilly was renowned from its refusal to flower, but dancing on the grave of late Pontiff really was the absolute limit. There were security guards there and everything. One poor mourner even collapsed when she saw what was going on. And to think we all allow these shits into our homes?


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