Tuesday 25 January 2005

Cream doughnuts

I've just had a cream doughnut for my pudding after tea (dinner, supper) of marinated tuna steaks, that were "pan-fried" in a very hot frying pan, and a vegetable accompaniment of green beans and sprouts. Sprouts with tuna steak??? I had them after I'd finished the other bits. They weren't very nice today.


It's quite nippy here in England today. I wouldn't go as far as to say it was freezing, because it's not, it's just a bit cold. I just seem to be feeling it today. It must be my age.


We had a very entertaining evening at the expense of our furry friends last night. I'd bought some catnip teabags from Wittards and I'd only just managed to get the cellophane off the box when the Moose started trying to get into it. I made a tea from one of the bags and gave a fresh one to gorgeous Max to play with: he was completely off his face; rubbing it, rolling round on the floor, rubbing anything it had touched. I brought some of the tea into the living room to see if he'd drink it, but he just tried to rub his face on it. Then Snotto got hold of the wet bag and lay with his chin on it for half any hour - Max found his neck very attractive after this. I've confiscated the bags for a couple of days until the effects wear off.


As much as you love 'em, brothers are a pain. I don't think anybody with a brother would disagrees with me. My brother is impossible to buy presents for; or should I say, he asks for presents that are impossible to buy. It was his birthday on Sunday and he asked if I could get him a black Wrangler denim jacket. Well, no, I can't. Nowhere sells them: not in blue, not in black, for neither boys nor girls. Oh look, Jeans Direct on the internet sell one for £50. FIFTY QUID??? You can get a Levi's denim jacket from Costco for £20, but he wants a bloody Wrangler one! Tit. I'll see what he says. If it's what he really wants, I'll order it, but he'll have to pay a fair bit towards it.

I need another coffee.

Wrong number texts

I was knackered last night so I went to bed relatively early for me. I'd put the light out at about 11pm, and must've dropped off fairly soon afterwards. I was woken up by the message tone on my mobile at about 11.45pm: "Hey sexpot, i'm in bulford soon again 4 a week, wot r u wearing?x". I was very tempted to reply: "My pyjamas and a scowl. You've got the wrong number, dickhead", but I fell back to sleep.

How is it possible to send a text message to a wrong number? Surely somebody you'd call "Sexpot" would deserve a place in your mobile's phonebook and this would remove all possibility of keying in the wrong number. Unless you're a thick as pigshit, which let's face it, somebody who'd use abbreviations such as "wot", "r" and "u" probably is. Should I post the guilty party's number here for all you good folk(s) to call and message in the small hours? Tempting.


I had a subway sarny for my dinner today. It was OK, but I'd love to know what "BMT" means. I was going to have my usual cup-soup-soup, but the Tesco Express near work doesn't sell them. I obviously went for something with a similar calorific value!

Contact lenses

These bloody lenses are killing me this evening. I've not had them in for a couple of days and I put them in when I got in from work because I'm going the gym later and I want to get accustomed to them before going out. They feel like little bits of sand today. They're monthly torics and I think they're not as comfortable as the daily disposables are because they have to be sturdier.

Yes, off to the gym later, so I have to psych myself up for it - it takes all my energy doing that! Honestly, the things we have to put ourselves through as 21st century humans. At least there are curries, chips, doughnuts and salty snacks as compensation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shop online today. Forget driving to the mall when you can just click the mouse and order from your favorite store. No traffic to deal with