Monday 17 January 2005

And now, from Norwich, it's the Quiz of the Week!

Yes, Norwich. It's got to be the most inaccessible place in the country and some of my closest friends are moving there. What should be aabout a 2 and half hour journey takes nearly 5 because there are no motorways or dual carriageways within 100 miles of the place. Still, not to worry, it'll be great for holidays!

There was something that I'd intended to have a good old rant about, but I've forgotten what it was... can't have been particularly important or rant-worthy then.

I'm borderline hypoglycaemic... I NEED pastry!!!

And I think I do get quite badly affected when my blood sugar drops. Most people tend to feel a bit hungry then a little bit weak, but I just go from feeling Ok to getting shakes and cold sweats. I can't process information or stand up. I'm sure that's not right. It's been suggested that I check my wee for sugar - I suppose this makes a change from coffee or Pepsi Max.

TV nostalgia

I'm trying to find the theme tune for Sale of the Century to have as a ringtone for when my Norfolk-bound friends phone (if they'll still want to know me once they've moved on and up in the world). I've been to the TV Cream website a few times, but I never realised they had MP3s to download too: I find these things are always good for a laugh. "And now, from Norwich, it's the Quiz of the Week!". Apparently, Trisha is filmed in Norwich too. Life's little trials always end up having some upsides to them.


Well, I couldn't stay off the subject forever since I was back at work today after a ridiculously long weekend. Basically, it's shit and I'm so utterly pissed off with the way I've been (am being) treated that I really don't want to do anything at the moment. This is a shame because there are lots of things about my job that I love, but I don't see why I should waste any more of my effort when I get no reward or recognition for the things I've done. Appraisals are a waste of time unless there's a proper personal development plan drawn up and they're related to pay awards. Where's the incentive to develop your skills and show initiative when you don't get any reward for it? It's all a con and it's about time I stopped allowing myself to be treated like a mug.

That's about it for me then. I've got to go to Fat Fighters now because I haven't been in nearly a week. I'm really looking forward to it because my back and knees are killing me and I'm knackered. Fantastic. I love my life.

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