Saturday 8 January 2005

Quite confused

I don't know, you think you're being clever by uploading a picture and you just end up getting in a pickle.

Anyway, if there happens to be a photo on this page, then yes, that's me. If there isn't a pic, then I don't suppose anybody is missing out. I tried to use that Picasa hello thing and I thought it was a webhost whatsit, but it automatically uploaded to the blog and it's all GONE WRONG! And I tried to remove it and it's still there, only it isn't.

But not to worry, there are more important things to worry about, like my finances and looking for a job where I won't be getting shafted - and the wellbeing of my family and friends (and the cats); these things are more important to me than anything else.



It's been extremely windy here in the UK for the past day or so and it's starting to become rather tiresome. Not only do you find yourself being kept awake by the gale force winds, but there's also the racket caused by idiot neighbours' wind chimes. Wind chimes, I ask you! How bloody common can people get? Well, my neighbours are complete scumbags so I suppose it's the least I expect from them. Horrible, nasty people.

I have a very good friend who's a vicar and her local cemetary is high on a hill overlooking the town. She took me there once in the summer - it's a beautiful, peaceful place, but I was disappointed at the selfishness of certain families who'd adorned the graves of their loved ones with wind chimes. To me, this displayed a lack of consideration of other visitors' feelings; if I was to visit the grave of a friend or relative, I wouldn't want to be disturbed by the racket caused by those bloody things. People are just stupid and inconsiderate. Thank goodness for cremation, that's all I can say.

Romagna Mia

My dad's Italian and he moved to the Emila Romagna region from Lucania when he was a boy. I made him a CD of Romagnole music for Christmas and he's listening to it now, singing along to Romagna Mia. It's quite nice to know that the least expensive gift I gave this Christmas has brought so much pleasure to a bloke who's notoriously impossible to buy for.

I'm holding back on the rest of the collection that's waiting to be burned onto CD though: there's only so much Italian folk music that a girl can take!

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