Friday 28 January 2005


...from the past

I used to enjoy going into the old MSN chatrooms, well one in particular that was a friendly place where no naughtiness was allowed. I've made a few real friends from there and others I still chat to in messenger. One was a feller who went by the name Metranil Vavin, or Vav, as he became known. He is lovely, or at least I think he is: completely outrageous and he always cheered me up just by be being "in the room". He and others also provided a virtual shoulder to lean on when I was going through a particularly difficult time in 2003. Anyway, Mr Vavin has found my blog (see comment below) and I'm absloutely delighted about it.

Blogging is something of a natural thing for me to do: I spent an entire year documenting my every day happenings in e-mails that I sent to my closest friend and I found writing down certain thoughts and happenings rather therapeutic. Despite not doing that anymore, I still found the idea of offloading certain things very attractive and then I discovered web logs. I tried to start one at the end of 2003, but I only had venomous thoughts to convey and it would've been destructive and unfair. Anyway, New Years and what have you gave me the desire for a new pet hobby and this is it! Perhaps one day I'll collate all this crap and publish a diary. I just hope that I never become famous, or get into a position of power, because this sort of ranting could land a person in hot water.

I think I'm getting a cold: my throat isn't sore, but it feels weird and tight; my nose and lips are dry and my sinuses are a little blocked.

I need to do a bit of work now. Humph.

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