Thursday 6 January 2005

Aldi bargains

I have my own office here at work, but on the corridor there are a couple more "multi-user" offices: the one opposite my own is occupied by the most insane woman I've ever met (I'll call her "Carmelita" to keep in with the cakesniffer theme*) and her poor, long-suffering colleague; the other office has 4 occupants who seem to talk endlessly about the latest bargains at Aldi or Matalan, or kids, or general crap.

I seem to spend my time here being tortured mentally by these people - and a lot of the time they ignore me, which is pleasant of them. Better that than being spoken to in a patronising manner. I'm 34, I've got a PhD, I've seen and done a fair few things in my time, but I'm often spoken to as if I'm retarded. I guess it's just a reflection of their own lives and the things that are important to them. I suppose it's harmless and they're all decent, nice people, but we don't have much in common.

There'll be more tales to tell of my adventures here - I've got plenty archived and no doubt each day will provide more - but I'll leave things for now because I need to go out to the local shops to get warm: it's not particularly cold here today, but it's not that warm either and Carmelita has just opened the window in her office and it's drawing the heat out of mine. I'm surprised to find that she hasn't turned my radiator off to tell you the truth.

Bonkers. They're all mad!

*I'm tempted to use character names from the Unfortunate Events books as pseudenyms for all my colleagues - keep reading.

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