Wednesday 12 January 2005

Eight hours a day

Just about half an hour until hometime, so I thought I’d make a contribution for those of us who like the smell of baking and confectionary.


My day here has been a complete waste of time, as it is most days in fact – a real waste of petrol. However I did manage to get Mr Poe to write a definitive, no-nonsense, put it straight letter written to HR with respect getting some sort of conclusion over things. I end up no better off, but it might offer a few advantages in the longer term. I’m still very unhappy about the situation and I’m making more of an effort to find a new job. It’s a shame really because I do love many aspects of my work, mostly at my other base, and I’d hate to leave that, but without any real commitment from anyone in terms of securing my post full time on one site, it’s best that I try to move on.

Yes, so, I’m being very careful to avoid making defamatory statements about my employer, line managers, or colleagues. The line managers I like, most of the colleagues are fine, my employer is shite. It’s a complicated situation, compounded by me being rented out to another organisation - I essentially have a pretty schizophrenic working week that ranges from me enjoying the beginning to absolutely hating the end with a passion. My advice to anybody ever considering taking a post that is split between two distant sites and/or two organisations? DON’T EVEN CONSIDER IT!

However, the end of this week isn’t too bad because I’m going away for a few days. I have a meeting in York tomorrow, which means I’m travelling to friends’ in Leeds this evening and I’ll be taking Friday off too.

Toilets at work

I’ve not been to the toilet enough today and now I’m feeling rather uncomfortable. That’s another rubbish thing about being at work: toilets. You always feel really bad if you have to pass a solid, but what else can you do? You’re here for over 8 hours a day, with an hour’s journey at either end. It’s only natural that you have to go, but we all think ill of the people who’ve used the lav to have a poo, “I went to the ladies’ and somebody had done a poo!” You can see it on their faces as they're washing their hands, the side-ways accusing looks that say, “You’ve had a poo, you filthy woman!” Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go. I’m not one of these weirdos who only goes once a month if there's a full moon.

At least I’ve managed to pass another ten minutes while composing this and I’m now 20 minutes away from homtime.

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