Sunday 12 June 2011

A rainy day in Bolton

I think it's raining all over the world. 

Anyway (:@), things are never as simple as you'd hope, but that's life.  I've learned a very interesting lesson in 'lectrics today.   That being that shite ovens that come in modern houses are essentially plugged in to the 13 amp circuit (this is what makes them shit - no power) and when you want to change them for a decent oven, you have to have your house re-wired and part of the kitchen ripped out.

C'est la vie.

And why can't hairdressers do as you ask?  I've had a really good hair cut, but "Sandy" was so horrified when I told her what I wanted, that I had to back down and go with something that she thought best, which is a really good cut, but it's left me looking a little like Elaine Paige.

C'est la vie.

Anyway (:@), despite everything I do have access to sharp objects and I might just snip the bits off that I told her I didn't want and suffer the consequences when I go back in six weeks' time.  Is there supposed to be an apostrophe there?  If I was as mental as I used to be, I'd know the answer to that question, but I'm a bit more relaxed these days.  And no fucker reads this shite, so I doubt I'm going to be bundled, blindfold and gagged into the boot of a car and then beaten to within and inch of my life by the disciples of Lynn Truss for one errant bit of punctuation.

So I found myself alone early this weekend; normally I'd be with my other half until later on this evening, but I had to rush back this morning to be told I was a complete spaz for buying the wrong oven by my electrician.   But never mind, I know about 32 amp circuits and stuff now, so it's not as bad as it could have been.... had I wired the oven in myself and burnt the house down.

Another year and we're not going to get a summer... again - it's pissing it down and 9°C out there, in June. Finding myself getting a little down in the dumps, I took myself off to Sainsbury's in Bolton, which is never a treat, but I needed coffee and something for my tea.  Having decided that I wanted to watch the Kill Bills, I took myself to the DVD section where I found this:

Fucking yes!!!!!

So I did my shopping, got to the car and realised I'd forgotten this:

So I went back in and found these:

Wiggle your big toe to that!

This rain-soaked, miserable Sunday might not turn out too bad after all.

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