Tuesday 7 June 2011

Cold call

I'm forever having people call at my front door, annoying me.  Nobody I know ever comes to the front of my house, so a knock is always a sign of trouble.  It's usually not even for me.  It's usually somebody from a power company asking if the previous owners want to change their energy company.

The answer is always no.

These people know this too.  I tell them to make sure they know:  "I'll just look on uSwitch and do a comparison there - there's no way I'm taking your word for it."

So why do they keep calling?  Because they're paid to annoy people, be given the brush off by people having their evening meal, and to be growled at by the dog that has to be held because they always stand there with the fucking gate wide open onto the main fucking road.

Fucking idiots.

I feel forced into putting one of those horrid signs up that you see in the Easy Living catalogue: "No salesmen, No takeaway menus, No, No, No.  Just whatever you want, NO!". 

Or I could continue to take pleasure at watching them being dripped on from the guttering that seems to be leaking directly above where they stand.

Easy living
Is that what it's called?  The little booklet that's the official Nazi Party version of the Betterware catalogue?  It comes with the Sunday supplements every couple of months.  Google tells me it's Easy Life (easy life if you're a member of the Daily Mail hang 'em high collective, that is).

I think they used to be Innovations, but they were clearly taking the piss.  I'm sure some of the products are quite good if you're retired, bored have reduced mobility, but have too much money.  However, some of the stuff is just really a bit mean spirited and designed with the intention of shooing things off, such as:
  • Cats
  • Spiders
  • Flies
  • Door-to-door salesmen
  • "Foreign-looking and gypsies"
Check out their two page range of pest repellents.  The bit about signs for deterring salesmen and foreigners isn't true.  I'm just going to stop opening the front door from now on.

Here's to good health!
That was always the toast at Christmas and New Year.  Add love and happiness and you can''t ask for much more from life.  In fact, if you have all three, you're pretty much laughing I reckon.

If you have a chronic problem with your hip (for "chronic" read two months) it starts to get you down after a while.  I'm starting to think that I might have done something to it while I was skiing.  Anyway, I'm going for an assessment in a couple of weeks. 

People keep recommending chiropracters and osteopaths to me.  These people swear by theirs, who they've been seeing for YEARS with their back problems.  I point this out to them.  They don't get it.  I also point out that homeopathy has been shown to be buncum, yet it's still sometimes funded from the Public purse, but the fact that osteopathy and chiropracterism (??) isn't offered on the NHS should indicate that they're viewed  as even crapper than homeopathy. 

Nothing is more effective than homeopathy.

Think about that one.

Anyway, I assume that the assessment will show that there's nothing can be done for me and that I'll have to rely on time and the correct exercises to help ease my problem.  I guess it's also important to find out whether there's anything I should absolutely avoid doing.

I think the days of me getting my ankles round the back of my head are way behind me.

Bed time
You know, I have no idea where time goes. 

It seems that one hour of not work time is worth three hours of work time.  I swear I've only been home for two hours and it's bed time already.  Yet I get to work at 8am, send off a load of e-mails, do some spreadsheety things, have a cup of coffee, go for a poo, look at the clock and it's 8:08.

I get home from work, prepare and eat my dinner, take the little feller out for his walk, come back, and it's bed time.

This is where I take him:

It's just up the road from here.  He can run along pathways, bounce through the long grass, completely missing the fact that there are fifty rabbits bouncing around him.  This evening the swallows were doing stunt flying at his height and within a metre or so of him.  He didn't really notice because he'd found another dog's poo to sniff at from close up.

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