Wednesday 8 June 2011

Chosen by you

Asda, part of the Wal*MART family.  Dear Lord.

My opinion of Asda has gone up since moving here... not the Asda in the town nearest here, which is Hell on earth, but the other one, which is bigger so the nastiness is diluted over a wider surface area.  Anyway, this has made me realise that, apart from having to be very selective about what you can actually buy in the store, the really horrible thing about Asda is the people who shop there; hideous cunts.  This contrasts to the staff, who are by and large lovely.  You tend to find that there's a kind of skewed distribution in the pleasantness of shops staff that's related to where the store is on the la-de-da scale.

I've tried to draw this here:
So my issue with Asda isn't the staff; it's the produce and it's the customers.  So when the customers are allowed to have a say in the produce, you know that the outcome is going to be very, very bad.

There's this range of products at Asda called "Chosen by you" - this from people whose general idea of cuisine ranges from a bag of Quavers to KFC.

I don't think I'll be buying anything that's been chosen by People of Asda.  I'll buy things from Asda that has been chosen by their buyers; things that I can make things from myself.

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