Tuesday 19 October 2010

Stay in lane

Knowing the general levels of intelligence in the UK population, it always amazes me how there aren't more fatalities on our roads.  The number of utter fuckwits who are allowed behind the wheel of a car is frightening.  The biggest, buzziest, most irritating bee in my bonnet is poor lane discipline, or total lack of it, judging by so many drivers on the roads around Greater Manchester.  Even when guided by lane markings, whole blocks of colour to indicate where they should point their cars and, needless to say, big, fuck-off "STAY IN LANE" signs painted all over the carriageway, the idiots still manage to wander out of their lane and into my path.

I want a rocket launcher.

How many sleeps?
It took me until 3pm to realise that today is Tuesday and not Wednesday, as I'd been telling myself all day.  How cruel our minds are at times.

I tend to spend Monday to Thursday watching the clock and counting down the minutes until Friday arrives.  I like my job, although getting out of bed in the dark mornings gets more difficult with every year, but I just can't wait for the weekends when I'm reunited with my other half.  Long distance relationships aren't brilliant, however, this particular one is pretty special and so worth the wait for us to find the opportunity to be together properly.  I just end up feeling a bit lost and out of sorts during the week when I'm alone, eating too much junk and effectively staring into space during the evenings until bedtime comes round.

Hence the blogging again I suppose. 

Yay, it's nearly bedtime.  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... that's three more sleeps.


Occasional Mutterings said...

I hate those that pull out on me only to poodle along at 10 mph under the speed limit, twats!

Sniffy said...

Ah yes. Those who overtake the phantom coachman, who only they can see.

There should be a 3 point offence for crap driving. Or offenders can take a taser to the eyeball and £5000 fine instead.

Herge Smith said...

Is it common knowledge now that it's getting much worse on the roads? Yeah, it is yeah?

I blame the kids (for everything).

Sniffy said...

Well, fuck me!

That's all I have to say about that.

graceless said...

it makes me glad i don;t drive.

Sniffy said...

Gasps! FAINTS!!

From experience, I'd say that many motorists don't drive either

graceless said...

you're probably right! you should al have to re-take your test every ten years or something

Herge Smith said...

I'm also involved in a long distance relationship now - she's 12000 miles away... sniff...

Sniffy said...

12000 miles is careless of you. I've just said goodbye to Ali again until Thursday. Then we get a whole week off together.