Sunday 24 October 2010


There's something about wind farms - they're utterly captivating, dominating landscapes, seascapes, discussions, debates...

I sometimes find them beautiful, sometimes scary. Sometimes, my imagination gets the better of me and I visualise them uprooting from their concrete anchors and invading the suburbs. I'm less than convinced of their eco-friendly credentials: all that concrete; are they beautiful or a blot on the landscape? are they just folly?

Why is Wagner still in the X Factor?

Anyway (;@) here are some photos of wind farms.

Edenfield turbines


Ali at Edenfield windfarm

Edenfield turbines

I went on my third skiing lesson yesterday and found the whole experience terribly frustrating, to the point that I almost slid out half way through. I tried to do turning yesterday and just could not get it... at all... whatsoever. How difficult an it be? But it's totally unnatural; apparently you put your weight on the ski on the outside of the turn and lift off on the ski that's on the inside of the turn.

It's called a simple wedge turn. I've even looked at how it's supposed to be done on the internet. I'm going to digest everything that I've been told, everything that I've seen and take it all with me when I go to remedial spaz ski school.

I've never, EVER been comfortable with doing anything where I had to use my body - I'm so awkward; never been good at games, can't dance, can't stand on one leg, can barely ride a bike, can't climb trees, can't walk on ice. And I expect to be able to ski after three lessons.

I might get to the stage where I can ski, but whether I'll ever get to enjoy it will be very debatable.

Oh Ruthie, you fucking fruitcake
I told her she was despicable, disgusting, waste of space, piece of shit the other week. I wasn't wrong.

After not working for 15 years (because of "stress"), she's trying to get back into gainful employment - good on her - by volunteering, starting off with Childline (those poor kids, as if it's not bad enough that they have to phone Childline!). She's been sacked by Childline and is now trying her luck with the Samaritans. God help those poor, desperate bastards in Liverpool, that's all I can say.

1 comment:

graceless said...

I love wind turbines. there's a big windfarm just off the coast at whitstable.mind you, they also have sea forts, which i'm also a litle bit fascinated by.