Tuesday 25 March 2008

On safari

For some reason, I subscribe to geeky e-mail alerts from ZDNet. Today's included somebody extolling the virtues of Apple's Safari web browser for Windows. Now, despite my loathing of everything Apple, Mac and the like, I'm all for making my web browsing experience faster and more pleasurable, so I downloaded and installed Safari to check it out.

Yes, it's fast.

No, it isn't nice to look at; the text looks all blurry and the menus are difficult to read. See:

Safari BBC news

So I'll be sticking with Firefox.

Safari... so goody!
A BBC film crew has managed to film tigers in India by sticking remote controlled cameras to the trunks of specially-trained elephants.

Check out the article and some clips here.

Bloody marvellous.

Welcome to the jungle

The BBC news website's Have your say section provides a forum for contributors to share their opinions about topical news items. There are certain rules to posting comments and most threads are moderated, meaning the all comments must be read and authorised prior to being loaded onto the relevant topic page. Such moderation means that comments get stacked while they're awaiting moderation and it kind of defeats the object of having an open debate.

Anyway, I've recently had two comments rejected outright! I'm shocked and appalled. How can somebody as reasonable as myself have their opinions dismissed outright by some humourless lefty shitbag fucktard? Total cunts.

Here are the offending comments.

20-Mar-2008 10:21
We could use an unemployed person to be our passenger and then get them to wash our cars while we're working? If only they could get out bed before midday.

Another New Labour Cupid Stunt.

25-Mar-2008 12:20
You know, anger often comes from strings of minor unresolved annoyances that build up to an explosive level.

You know what else? Having fully moderated subjects on HYS where none the posts ever get published and there's a huge moderation queue? That's one of those little things that can set you on the way to getting INCANDESCENT WITH RAGE!

If you can't review the comments, don't have full moderation!

What's wrong with those? Fucking morons. Did you know that the BBC only advertises its vacancies in the Guardian? Yes, so it deliberately only targets people who read that lefty pile of shite. It's no wonder their forum moderators won't allow anybody to put over a point of view that's reflective of what most people in the country think.



Anonymous said...

Yay first.

I must comment about the previous post in that I want my meat butchered in any way. I don't care as long as the fucker's dead. Pret a fucking mangy is way too expensive and for people who are working class but wish to be middle class. Same goes for Starbucks and Cafe Nero. The best sarnies I had was from a local company that I can't remember the name of, I've had about a quarter of a litre and a half of whisky now. Their sarnies were made right in front of you including the bread being cut from the rest of the loaf. Some of the names I can remember from the top of my head were teh Uncle Fester and the Roadkill.

Elephants can be trained to do a variety of tasks so training them to be cameramen isn't necessarily a bad thing.

*now has image of an elephant trying to report in heavy shelling from a street in Bagdad with a UN peacekeeping helmet on its head*

BBC HYS does get some good debate going but seems to have the same commenters on it every day. I now read a variety of news sites to get a more balanced view of what's going on in the world because the BBC site tends to be the same as the poxy government.

The hear what everyone is saying but by the time they've translated it into welfare speak it has nothing to do with what the poor cunts that actually pay their taxes are actually feeling.

Fuck it. Have a drink of (insert non-alcoholic beverage of your choice) with me and tell em to fuck emsels.

*hiccups and passes out face down in a halal sarnie*

Anonymous said...

In the 21st century (actually in any century for the past 1000 years), there's absolutely no excuse for other peoples' religious superstitions to be imposed on others, especially not through food. Quite frankly it's disgusting that halal and kosher butchery are permitted in the first place, but to have halal meat increasingly imposed on the secular society because "it's ok, they don't mind" is disgraceful. There's always the assumption that we won't say anything because we don't want to offend the muslims, but I'm offended by this practice and I have every right to say so. I absolutely object to having what's essentially witchcraft imposed on me and should be outlawed.

The BBC are total cunts.

Anonymous said...

Our HYS comments get published.

We were recently the most recommended commenters, as you surprisingly discovered recently.

It must be because your a filthy lesbo. Children read the BBC, you know. Your sort are kept out to protect our innocent little ones.

We couldn't allow them to be corrupted now, could we?

Anonymous said...

Children don't read the BBC website, they go on Facebook and Bebo and bully their classmates. DUR!

Anonymous said...

I used to read the Sun. I was calm and happy.
As I became more left wing, I read the Guardian. These people get right up my tits. Only interested in socialist ideals as long as they're trendy. Happy to waste millions of gallons of fuel flying to Venezuela just to berate some hapless fisherman who's accidentally snared a dolphin.
Now, I read the Daily Mail. I'm a tightly knotted ball of anger and resentment about 'Broken Britain'.

Why should I have to eat Halal?
Why are people allowed to roam the streets with their faces covered?
Why don't we tripple the prison space and lock the bastards up?
What good is an ASBO if you can't enforce it?......