Tuesday 11 March 2008

Chop her hands off and kick her in the fanny!

That's the Saudi punishment for any woman found driving over there - or something not quite so severe, like forty lashes and being forced to wear a barbed wire bra for a month.

So, look at this defiant little minx. This is Wajeha Huwaider, who was filmed driving round Riyadh in protest at the Kingdom's ban on women driving - no burka either. Tut tut tut.

No idea what she's saying; she could be talking about the price of eggs at Asda for all we know.

I happened to come across US current affairs website slate.com by accident, but I'm so glad I did. Not only does it contain up to date commentary on a number of US and international news items, it provides reviews, media news, health, etc, it's also a repository for a number of photo essays from the Magnum Photo group. Wonderful. And generally in black and white. Perhaps that's where I'm going wrong with my attempts to be artistic.

Wii Olympics
I was having a conversation with colleagues while I was in London yesterday. Of course, London will be enjoying its Olympiad from this autumn and it seemed topical to bring the Olympics into our chat.

While postulating about possible exhibition sports in the London games, and any sports that might bring a few gongs to the Great Britain team. Tiddly winks was obviously high up there, bingo, greyhound racing and jellied eel pie eating were other possibilities. Then we had our moment of genius: Wii sports and Wii Olympics! Why the hell not? With internet gaming, we could simply have the whole Olympics online and so not have the bother of messing about with all that London rubbish. It'd save a whole lot of money for everybody in the UK and imagine what it'd do for reducing our carbon footprint!

So, come on Ken. You're the one who's bullying motorists at every opportunity, introducing tax after tax in the name of reducing the impact on the environment. Why not make a proper gesture and scrap the Olympics in favour of something not so utterly pointless and wasteful?

Doing my bit
Of course, I did my bit while I was down there yesterday. I didn't cotton on at the time, but I don't think my colleague realised that we had a tube ticket for our time there, and I thought she suggested walking to our destination because it was a nice day. It was a nice day when we set off from Euston, it wasn't a nice day by the time we'd crossed the city and walked 4 miles to Imperial College.

My feet were so sore. It felt like somebody was pushing white hot needles through the tips of my toes into the balls of my feet.

So that was nice.


Anonymous said...

I love Slate! It is one of my favorite websites. The article of the day is known as the Map of Shame, in which they chronical all of the naughty, naughty (and often criminal) things our elect officals do once they are convinced that the laws they create don't really apply to them. One of my favorites is this little gem:

"Rep. Wayne Hays, Longworth House Office Building
In 1976, the Washington Post broke the story that Hays' office clerk, Elisabeth Ray, was actually his mistress in disguise. Hays denied the story for two days, then finally admitted to the affair, but he continued to deny that Ray was hired purely for her sexual prowess. Meanwhile, Ray told the Post, "I can't type, I can't file, I can't even answer the phone."

Bet her coworkers LOVED her! Bitch could at least learn how to alphabetize and make herself useful with the files. That being said, stress relief for the boss does benefit everyone, right?

BTW - all of this attention is in regards to the latest political oops; Elliot Spitzer, governor of New York and serious hardass on crime (real or perceived), paid $4300 to have sex with a prositute for 2.5 hours... the day before Valentine's Day. Bet his wife feels really loved.


Anonymous said...

Of course, the Saudi's, quite rightly, don't let women drive. How the hell are they going to see where they're going wearing burkas?