Saturday 29 March 2008

Here comes the summer

British Summer Time starts tomorrow. I'm still waiting for the British summer of 2007 to show up, so I don't hold out much hope of us getting one in 2008.

We lose an hour's sleep tonight when time jumps magically from 2 to 3am without us evening noticing. Of course, I'll notice tomorrow morning when I'm tired as a bugger when I wake up, even more sleep deprived than I am already.

I woke early today because of builders clanking and banging as they removed the roof from a neighbouring property... at 7.30. Cunts.

So that was me, in a BAD MOOD.

What should you do when you're in a bad mood? Something nice? Curl up in your PJs and watch films in bed all day?

That might have been nice. Instead, for some totally fucked up mental aberration, I decided that we should go to the Trafford Centre - on a very rainy, cold Saturday afternoon. It took 20 minutes to find a parking space, let's just leave it at that.


The main reason for putting us through the Trafford Torture was to check out an opticians. Breaking my specs the other week was the catalyst for this - I'm due a sight test in June anyway, so I figured I might as well.

I don't like having my eyes tested. I dislike any experience that involves me being in extremely close proximity with a virtual stranger, especially youthful, attractive women with low-cut blouses and full cleavages. I found "looking down to the right", very difficult as this directed my gaze right into her puppies. "Looking down to the right" ended up being "looking down to the right, up, down, left, anywhere but her cleavage!".


So, having got my breath back, I had to go through the whole "is number one or two clearer", "is it better with or without" rigmarole. By the time they've switched to the alternative lens, I can never remember which is better to tell you the truth, they might as well be testing the eyesight of a goldfish.

Anyway, it turns out that I'm blind and I need new specs. Bloody expensive things.

The Orphanage

We're off to a late showing of The Orphanage in a bit. I'm scared already.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the popcorn.

Anonymous said...

How was the show Sniffy?

Anonymous said...

It looks like I'm the only one left. Everyone else has succumbed to a deadly virus or been killed by zombies.

Anonymous said...

You're not quite the only one left, I'm still here. I don't know where every other bugger is though.

The film was ace... you should go to see it.

Anonymous said...

Is that film subtitles or English?

Anonymous said...

It's Spanish with English subtitles. I understand that an English remake is on the cards though. So that should be another good film ruined by the Yanks.