Sunday 10 September 2006

Drop down

I hate drop down lists on computer databases and online forms - you know, the sorts of things where you have to enter your date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy? Why do they only drop down to 19 before you have to click on the scroll down arrow?

I'll show you what I mean:

Oh, it appears that Flickr doesn't want to upload that particular thing, but you get the idea? It's really discriminatory against people who are born after the 19th of the month. If they're going to have a drop down list, why not go all the way to 31?

I've just been sorting out car insurance for Connie Cakesniffer and I've come to the conclusion that they're all cheating, thieving cunts. Having done a search in Money Supermarket, I decided to go for the Post Office's policy, which was advertised as £220. So you click on "buy quote" and end up having to enter all the information again at the Post Office's site, and then you're told that the quote is actually £320.




Where the devil?
For the past couple of weeks, blogging activities have been put on the back burner in favour of other things. Here is a pictorial rundown:

Manchester Pride, 26th August

Manchester Pride parade

It seemed that the Church had a presence, whereby it invited all of us lost children to wait in line to be saved from a life of sodomy and an eternity burning in the fiery pit:

Lost children

Norfolk, 27th to 30th August

Caister beach

Skiathos, 1st to 8th September

Troulos beach

Bear love




Sniffy & Trump


Of course, the great thing about being abroad is the language difference. In all honesty, the Greek people are fantastic and they speak very good English, but certain things get switched around in translation.

Wefined vergina sugar

"Wefined Vergina Sugar", eh?


Another thing that wasn't quite translated in the holiday brochure was the term "slight incline to some apartments" which came from the Greek for "your apartment will be right at the top of a big fuck-off hill - ha, ha, ha".

Hill of doom, Troulos

Yamas, you bastards.

Unfortunatley, coming back means that you have to congregate with all the Brits that you'd spent the previous 7 days trying to avoid. The couple in front of us on the plane were particularly friendly and were reclined so far in their seats that they were almost sat in our laps. Leg room was OK, but this was my view for the entire flight home.

Head room
Welcome to Astraeus Flight AEU 476 to Manchester. Today's flight is brought to you by the words "ignorant" and "cunts"

And now I'm back, and tomorrow's delight for my first day back at work is a trip to that stinking cesspit that is London. What a palarver! Still, at least I get to go down there first class as compensation.

I wonder if any of my work clothes fit me? I might try them on before I bother to iron them.


Anonymous said...

So that's were you've been! It looks like you had a great time but we missed you tremendously. Life isn't the same without a little Sniffy :)

I'm guessing that since the bears aren't in more pics they were off having their own good times???

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've been on me jollies - again. It was nice, didn't miss work one bit. I hate work.

The bears were very difficult to track down - hence only the one blurred photo of them as they stopped briefly to ask me for some spending money. They spent most of the time at the nudist section of a particular beach on the island. Dirty boys.

Anonymous said...

I have a wefined vergina.

Anonymous said...

And about fucking time too.


Nice to see your having such a fantastic, wonderful time.

Without us.

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Not having a fantastic wonderful time now. Back at fucking work.

Pile of shite.

Anonymous said...

Just the way we like it.

Anonymous said...

I puked in Athens, Mykonos, and Crete. ahh..memories.

Anonymous said...

Dear friend, Here is an opportunity for you that is taking over the internet. The compensation plan is second to none. The spill over will blow your mind and the educational products are of the highest quality. Knowledge is power and nobody can ever take that away from you. Join me in this business and see for yourself what you will be getting. Click here: FREE Information

Anonymous said...

Knowledge is certainly power. But so is a giant fucked-off rocket launcher.

Anonymous said...

Scott Arthur Edwards has probably posted more comments on my blog than anybody else. Leave him alone! They all count.