Sunday 24 September 2006

Unwelcome visitors

The Labour Party are in town for their annual backstabbing and self-glorification conference . Nobody wants them here, but Manchester City Council are delighted! Here's what they have to say about the city being invaded by thousands of arse-licking cunts:

"Manchester is preparing for thousands of extra visitors during the Labour Party Annual Conference in the city in September, from Friday September 22 for one week. Manchester bids to host major conferences as part of its regeneration strategy – conferences mean big business, visitors, investment and return tourism."

Unfortunately, because everybody hates the government, security has to be tight and this means that loads of the city's major roads have been shut. The Council's website gives lots of information about where you can't go, but none about where you can, just in case you happen to want to go about your normal daily life. Fuckwits.

I've no idea how shutting down the city and preventing people going about their normal business for a whole week can be good for commerce or tourism, but there you go. I'm just using it as an excuse to stay at Trump's for a few days, so YAY! to Labour, please come again... when you're condemmed to decades in opposition, you useless tossers.

Gasping Gordon
I've long been a fan of the man who would be prime minister, Chancellor Gordon Brown. Oh hang on, I got that wrong, I hate this incompetent thieving bastard more than I hate Blair. I'd love to get the opportunity to heckle him at the conference, or at least get near enough to him to hold up a placard that asks: "HAVE YOU WASHED YOUR HAIR YET, GORDON?". Dirty bastard. Just look at him, for fuck's sake. He looks like some sort of freak weirdo arch nemesis from Batman or something. Creepy.

Cats and spiders
Cats might not be much use for many things, but they can be quite good at catching spiders... if the mood takes them.

I don't quite understand the point of house spiders. You know those big massive ones that start to appear at this time of year? They're so very scary and so very fast, but what exactly do they do? Admittedly in them days, they were probably good for killing mice and things, but we don't generally have rodent problems these days. They don't even make webs because they wouldn't be able to make anything that would support their weight. I doubt they catch flies or other insects, so what the hell do they do, other than sit on walls and look threateningly at you?

They're probably alien spies.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather deal with the odd spider than the half-dead mice that my cat brings home. Yesterday, he brought home this poor little thing, placed it on the floor and watched it try to run, it could only haul itself along with one good leg. I had to take it (the mouse) out back and stomp on his head to put it out of its misrey. Fucking cruel cats. You two kids want a second cat?

Anonymous said...

Hell no! We use enough energy watching the one we've got sleep all day!

PLUS of course, the four that I've got at my folks, but they're well-behaved and always eat everything they catch so there's nothing left to bring into the house.

Anonymous said...

I love spiders and crane fly.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, spiders. Those big ones right now? Brace yourself, Sniffy because these hairy-legged beasts are usually males out looking for a bit of fun. That's why they leave the safety of the web and go a-wandering. They wander all over the place and that includes inside our houses where they normally don't care to enter. I guess the autumn and thoughts of procreation brings a kind of red mist into their little spider minds. Foolish things. Not like the rest of us chaps. We're terribly rational when it comes to everything to do with reproduction.

Anonymous said...

Bastard spiders are about as bad as the crickets that are infesting my basement. I have to take one of the dogs down there with me when I want to do laundry so the little fuckers don't jump on me. Slider's always been fond of catching crickets. Zippy just stares at them with his head cocked. He must be thinking "And what is the point of you, exactly?"

I hate bugs. All of them.

Anonymous said...

You could create a theme park centred around spiders and Labourites. Get some saddles for the less vicious spiders and charge people £10 a go for the ride of their lives - up the side of buildings etc. then rounding up the Labour interlopers and dragging them back to base before charging another £10 to throw said interlopers to the most vicious spiders.

Everyone's happy!

Anonymous said...

I like spidey's. Thankfully, the one's we have over here aren't dangerous, so they're okay to play with.

Miserable little bastards never want to play too though.

I actually find them fascinating. Partly because they scare girlies and partly because, like you, I don't actually know what they do - other than wander around scaring girlies.

And I can't believe Kaybee stomped on that poor wee defenceless mouse's head. How cruel! Brave for a girlie though.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather deal with the odd spider and/or cat than a politician any day. You'd need a farkin' big newspaper to swot a politician (I'll give it a try though. Maybe for charity?).

Anonymous said...

can't believe how longs its been since I came for a visit. Like the new masthead photo.

When I lived in Victoria we'd get those huge wolf spiders in the fall. Once I was building a huge jigsaw puzzle on the floor. One of those spiders came running across it and I could actually hear its footsteps. Yikes. That's too flippin' big!

Anonymous said...

You remember the TV alas smith and Jones, when Griff Rhys Jones was bouncing up and down on the theme tune pulling the evil face? That's always been Gordon Brown in a nutshell for me. How creepy does he want to look? I bet he was the kid in class that gave the brawny-but-stoopid bullies all their ideas, then profitted from the aftermath.. the scum sucker.

*Gordon Brown rant over. Normal programming will resume*