Tuesday 26 February 2008

That's what she said

That's a reference to the US version of TV sitcom The Office, which is infinitely more watchable than the UK version that starred Ricky Gervais, who is Ricky Gervais in whatever he appears in. This wouldn't be a bad thing if he wasn't such an annoying twat, but Gervais's presence in anything makes me want to pull my skin off from the eyelids down.

Despite Gervais being executive producer on the American version of the show, The US Office is brilliant in comparison to its British counterpart. And it's actually funny, hilarious in fact.

And it's pure coincidence that I discovered that Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant are getting together to write a film. No doubt Gervais will be playing... Ricky Gervais.


Maybe he's born with it
Andy Burnham is MP for Leigh and also Culture Secretary. I don't know much about him, but check out his lashes!


Well, it was Andy's job to announce that plans for a supercasino here in Manchesterford have been scrappy dood. Some people (the city council) are furious that the deprived area of Beswick (where the big Asda, City of Manchester Stadium and National Cycling Centre have been built) will now not benefit from the hundreds of jobs that the casino would've brought to the area, along with organised crime and gambling problems. Instead, the area will get a few million quid investment for new "houses" that nobody who lives there can afford to buy.

Life Hacker
Trump spends many hours looking at LifeHacker. The Show us your go bag section invites readers to show the insides of their satchels, rucksacks, etc. These being techno geeks, you can imagine the contents:

  • PDA
  • MP3 player
  • Moleskine notebook
  • Laptop
  • Digital camera
  • Big headphones (never standard in-ear ones)
  • iAnythings
So, thinking about my go-bag, what's in Sniffy's?

  • 2 PDAs (Palm TX and an iPaq)
  • Palm cable
  • Credit card toolkit
  • Creative Zen MP3 player
  • 2 notebooks (one Moleskine)
  • Work mobile phone (usually drained of battery power)
  • 4GB flash drive
  • 2GB flash drive
  • Pen, automatic pencil
  • Pair of gloves
  • 14 tissues
  • 2 Tampax tampons
  • 4 ibuprofen tables
  • Nail clippers
  • 5 sachets of sugar
  • Work ID card
  • Carmex lip balm
So that's interesting, I think I'm a geek. What's in your bag?

Rocky is impossible to comb. He has issues with combs and grooming implements in general. It's because of this that his groomer was instructed to take his fur right off when he came to clip him last week; the result is a bearded rat with big eyebrows.

I've ordered him some herbal relaxants from Petmeds online. Perhaps if we can settle him before ordeal by comb, he might start to get used to it. Or so I thought.

I got home from work today to find the dog bouncing about, having destroyed whatever package had arrived, with no sign of its contents. I spent an hour trying to find Rocky's medication and was puzzled at the dog's persistent bouncing - surely he should be calmer if he'd swallowed all that herbal valium? Most probably, but it turned out that he'd just shredded at padded envelope that he'd found lying around.

Little shit.

Top comedy put downs
Apparently the top 20 or so comedy put downs of all time have been published. I can't imagine how hard that must've been.

That's what she said.


Anonymous said...

I can't stand Ricky Gervais, either. Thank you for validating my opinion. Twunt.

In my bag - cell phone, Bluetooth receiver, iPod, 2Gig flash drive, envelope of various coupons for clothing retailers, 2 free starbuck's coupons, one big-ass wallet, 3 kinds of lip gloss & a mirror in a little makeup bag ('cause I'm girly!), wet wipes, tissues, 3 pens, 3x2 notebook for remembering stuff, gum, keys.

When we first got Slider, he went completely apeshit when we tried to trim his nails. I can brush him until the cows come home, but clipping his nails requires 2 adults, a bunch of treats to distract him, and a deft hand with the clippers. Zippy's not as bad, but he's still a handful.

Anonymous said...

What, no taser?

Anonymous said...

I still haven't got a taser. No fucker will buy me one.

I forgot to mention my 250GB Western Digital Passport though. I carry loads of videos on it to watch at lunchtime at work.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That Andy Burnham has got *gorgeous* lashes. Shame he's an MP.

In my bag, I have: An address book, a bit of kitchen roll, two tissues (crumpled but clean), a black biro, some plasters, dust and what appears to be a rabbit dropping. Although it could be a Revel?
Actually I don't eat Revels, so it must be a rabbit dropping.

The Mary Whitehouse Experience Professor put-down had me laughing like a drain! As did the Basil Fawlty one.

Gervais is an unfunny, ridiculous, twat who shouldn't be allowed on telly. He ruined Stardust with his moronic gurning. Why can't he stay in America?

Anonymous said...

You see that mould that's growing between your toes; that's been there for weeks because you don't wash? The stuff that smells like rancid vomit?

That's your favourite tea, that is!

Anonymous said...

See that puddle of spit over there?
That's your swimming pool, that is.

Anonymous said...

Wheeeeeeee!! I wish I could remember more.