Gosh, some people get so upset about things that they forget how to read and write properly! So I left a response, expressing my concern that an innocent post on my humble little blog would cause such upset in one of the town's residents. I left it at that.
Now, saddo that I am, and I am, really - I claim to be nothing else - I check my web stats and I see this:
And when I look at the referring urls, I see this:
Now it's not that obvious, but there are a lot of people linking to the Stornoway post from the Bebo member. Fuck knows what Bebo is, but the member is somebody who goes by the name (and I know I shouldn't do it) "Reenie Reenster". I have no idea who Reenie is, where he/she is, but I'd LOVE to know who they are and why so many people are visiting my blog from his/her Bebo page.
But NO! I refuse to get involved with another social networking site.
I wonder if they're saying nice things about me....
I wonder if they communicate in txt spk.
Weird eh? But there are more and more visits being referred from this profile as I type.
I may have to get Piggy and Garfer to intervene on my behalf, I'm sure they can communicate with Livid of Lewis. I'm sure they can't be as bad as the Alabama bible bashers who come to get me every now and again.
Edit: I knew it was coming!
Anonymous said...
You are fucking shithead, there isnt anything wrong with Stornoway ACTUALLY! and to thikersoid, the "sing songy" accent you maybe heard when you phoned up the chinese takeaway was a chinese accent, you fucking retard. AND whats wrong with all the good weather we get? I dont get how some people are so retarded. And sniffy, fuck off will you! You are the sad one for writing blogs about things like this when really you could get up off your arse and do something productive and worthwhile. GRRRR im annoyed at you and your stupid opinions, keep them to yourself if its gonna be shite that comes out.
Can we go on a day trip to Stornoway to meet its oh-so-eloquent inhabitants? Piggy, rev up the Scenic!
Why is it that I can't make a cup of coffee without my hand having a spaz attack as I'm trying to spoon coffee into the mug? The number of times I inexplicably throw the stuff all over the worktop. So annoying.
listen u sad fuck i live in stornoway and i had the misfortune to cum across your stupid pointless website and i wish i had not. y would u tell people to fone this number and ask for a kebeb when its a bloody chinese u dope! get ur facts rite in future and the pubs are open on a sunday all of them and i pay my tv license so i am entitled to see the weather where i live. and unlike english people we all dont eat fat foods ie kebebs all the time!