Thursday 28 February 2008

Radiohead die on fire!

I remember Loz using that on middle class parents, and it's just as appropriate for those pious pricks Radiohead. Why? Because they won't be playing Glastonbury this year because it's really bad for the environment to have all those revellers travelling there by car since there's no public transport to the place.

Oh fuck off! For fuck's sake!!

I have no opinions on Radiohead's music, I don't know much about the band members - they seem fairly down to earth from all accounts - but give us a fucking break from all your bloody preaching.

Why do these people have to turn what's the highlight of a lot of peoples' year (not mine, it looks like my idea of hell) into an opportunity to get on their fucking soapbox? If you're not going to play at the festival, just say so, or do like me, say nothing, I'm not playing either and you don't get a song and dance announcement about it!

Could you imagine it? Sniffy has announced that she won't be going to Antigua this year.


Makes me grind my teeth.

Easy open
Do you ever buy rice in those plastic bags that come with the little adhesive label to fasten the bag once it's been opened? I think these bags are part of some conspiracy by a total bunch of bastards who are laughing at us. Why? Well, the bags are made of fairly brittle plastic and sealed with the strongest adhesive on the planet so you struggle to open them, pulling so hard that the bag splits, rendering the sticky "easy-reseal" label totally useless.

Yet another of life's little disappointments that contribute to an overall depression that makes you hate the world.

You get some of these poor bastards in third world countries where day to day living is a struggle, where getting water can be a struggle, where they're vulnerable to disease, famine, war. They may aspire to the trappings of our lives and what would they get if they attained those aspirations? They'd get depressed at how shit stuff is.

Bags of rice ruining your day, for fuck's sake. Pathetic.

Spaghetti girls
Following my disparaging review of straight girls going gay last week, particularly Dawn Porter's attempts at pulling a lesbian, it pleased me to hear this term in this week's L Word.

Some girls are "spaghetti girls": straight until they get wet.

Dirty bitches in that show, I tell you!

Retail therapy
I'm getting a new laptop, yay! While I was tempted to buy a Macbook Air - for a nanosecond - I figured I'd need something that would be slightly more use than a very thin door wedge, so I've gone for a midrange Dell, which might or might not be OK. We shall see.


Anonymous said...

Sainsbury's cous cous and unrefined sugar are just as bad. Oh they come apart quite easily (although you have to watch the cous cous bag - they can be terrors) but the sticky label thing only has enough stick for one use. Next time you use the bags, they refuse to stay closed!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, you always need an elastic band to hold the packet together too; the sticky label is never sufficient. Bastards.

Anonymous said...

Radiohead are posho public school educated nitwits whose whiny pathetic music is only outdone by the truly ghastly Coldplay.

In my frustration I usually end up ripping the plastic apart and liberally spraying the kitchen with five billion gains of rice.

Anonymous said...

I use scissors to open recalcitrant bags. Then I can use the little sticky tab. I'm fussy that way.

Don't like Radiohead even more than I didn't like them before. Sense, making, am I? Yoda. Tired. Night.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Garfy and Pevish - Radiohead are shite. And stuck up cunts acting like normal people.

I also can't believe that IDV got in here first, the fucking trollop.

We're visiting IDV soon - he doesn't know it yet, but we are. It's his turn.

We're going to take him out and find him a man.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure he's thrilled at the prospect.