Tuesday 19 February 2008

Panic on the streets of Rusholme

Apparently there's a crisis in our curry houses: the price of rice has increased by 60% since last year and new immigration rules mean that the curry houses can't employ kitchen staff from places like Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Now, there's not much you can do about the global price of basmati, but why should blocks on immigration stop restaurants recruiting kitchen staff? Why can't they employ people from the UK?

Could you imagine if there was an Italian restaurant here that refused to employ English people? Or anywhere that refused to employ Asian folk? There'd be all sorts of legal eagles suing people here and there because, well, it's illegal. So why are curry houses allowed to be so discriminatory? Most people in the UK like Indian food, they can appreciate how it's supposed to taste, and any eager young thing would quickly pick up the ropes in the kitchen, so why this exclusion of non-Asian staff?

I don't know. If I had the answers, I'd share them, but hey, there you go.

Panic on the streets of Bridgend
Seventeen youngsters in and around Bridgend, South Wales, have killed themselves in little over a year - three have died in the past week, another body was found today.

What the fuck is all that about?

Some speculate that they're part of a pact, or that they must all link together through some weird social networking site. Chances are there's no link and the poor buggers are just depressed about having a really horrible accent. I should know, my accent is terrible and I've suffered from depression for years.

Shouldn't joke about suicide, and I'm not really, but it's a bit odd and you look for common denominators, it's only natural.

I wonder if there's a high rate of depression in the far north of Scotland...

Bottled it
Some twat, I think Labour MP Phil Woolas, has come out with some crap saying that bottled water is unethical.

Oh fuck off!

I'm sick of having ethical, organic, local, honest, fair trade bloody everything shoved in my face wherever I go.

In some cases (not round here) bottled water is the only palatable option, and let's face it fizzy water doesn't come out of the tap - well it does in London, but that's not intentional or particularly safe.

But it comes down to freedom of choice, and I'm so fed up of these idiots abusing their positions of public office by imposing their own pathetic views on the masses. We've all got opinions about things, but we don't get them publicised by the BBC in some crappy section on their website, so why should we have to be exposed to this nonsense by some nobhead politician who's known in his constituency for nobbing some rough as fuck council estate bint?

Anyway, bottled water, it might not be "ethical", it might not be cheap, but if people want to buy it and drink it, let them.

But we're a funny bunch aren't we? We're quite justified in complaining about the price of petrol at over £1 a litre, yet many folk are happy to pay this amount for water, which they get from the tap. I suppose they'd be forced to think more about if they were forced buy 50L of the stuff at a time.

I think somebody has been sticking pins in a voodoo doll of me today; I've been experiencing waves of excruciating abdominal pains - so bad that they make my eyes water. They are best described as really bad poo pains, but without the poo. Terrible.

I think the ratatouille that I had for tea will either kill or cure me.

"Suck my dick, fuck face"
Imagine getting your restaurant bill and finding that as a one of the items on it? Somebody at Joe Delucci's in Stoke did. I'm shocked and appalled of course, but also gutted that I don't have the opportunity to do that sort of thing if people piss me off at work. Well, I have plenty of opportunity, but plenty of restraint... and I don't have a dick.


Anonymous said...

Do you know, I don't think I'd be horrified shocked at the Fuck Face thing. I believe I'd let out a bark of surprised laughter, then tip extra.

Just think what a conversation piece it'd be.

Anonymous said...

I think I agree with you. You could scan and enlarge the receipt and frame it for the bathroom wall.

Anonymous said...

I make a fab curry!

Wouldn't it be fab if the entire population of Blackpool committed suicide?

I've been sticking pins in a golliwog today. Could that be an explanation for your pains?

I heard the bottled water twat actually gave his wee speech while a bottle of Perrier was perched in front of him. Oh the irony!

I love the way the restaurant manager said "the message had been meant to be seen only by kitchen staff and he did not know how it ended up as an item on the receipt."

Well, I suppose that makes it alright then.

Anonymous said...

I make a fab curry too - and that way I can avoid eating that dodgy hocus pocus halal meat that they force on you in a lot of Asian restaurants. Just dodgy Tesco meat instead.

Can you get TB in your intestines? I think I have it.

As for people in Blackpool wiping themselves out, what would do with the town, let the donkeys take over? Don't let April find out about that!

Anonymous said...

They don't want us discovering the secret three pot method of prepared curry sauces that (in various combinations) form the basis of everything from korma to vindaloo. Authentic it is not, but it gets the quids off the punters.

I think Guardian readers should commit mass suicide, preferably by standing in the middle of a motorway and allowing me to run them over.

Apparently London water has been through six sets of kidneys before you drink it.

If they put that on the bill I dread to think what 'additives' they embellished the soup with.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't TB spread from the lungs to other parts of the body? If so, then yes.

Blackpool shouldn't just suffer the indignity of community hari-kari, it should be nuked.

After rescuing the donkeys, of course. April would give them a good (and exciting) home.

Perhaps she'd take IDV with them and bring some purpose into his life.

Anonymous said...

I think you can get TB all over the place. I'm staying away from livestock in case I get culled by an angry farmer.

Yes, evacuate the donkeys to Vancouver Island and nuke Blackpool!

Anonymous said...

You've much more chance of being culled by a junkie in Manchester!

Anonymous said...

Or a colleague

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! That bill would be worth the price of the dinner.