Friday 1 February 2008

Brief encounter

Well, there they went; whisked away on a Virgin train - how apt.

VIrgin Penolino

April and Misha left us today after an all too brief visit. Still, it was a blast seeing that foul-mouthed squaw again and I feel very honoured that she took time from her flying visit to come to see us here in fucking freezing, wind-blasted Manchesterford.

April and Misha on train

When I picked them up from the Norwich red-eye, I thought that Misha (who I'd never seen) was the 60 year old, limping dwarf woman who appeared to be pushing April's luggage on a trolley, ten paces behind her. It turned out that Misha was actually a 7 foot tall blonde Amazonian. Bloody Canadians are so tall, bastards.

Anyway, after dropping stuff of chez Trumpsniffers, we went into Manchester for a full English Cafe North (I had their black pudding) followed by a trip on the Manchester Wheel. The Manchester Wheel is a bit weird since it's actually one of the most interesting things on the Manchester skyline, and a bit too close to the city centre to see anything other than roof tops.

April wheel

This was followed by a wander round the city in the freezing cold. They were pretty tired, but perked up when they went into Primark. Oh, the fucking shame of it. Highlight: older woman saying to toddler, "Yes darling, we'll get you a sausage roll right now".

Anyway, photos:

Mish and April MancTown Hall

Misha phone box

Velvet Revolter
For a different and fuller account of what happened that evening, visit Taz and Pig's place. The evening was pretty good. April was particularly thrilled when Taz got his willy out.

Tazzy nob out

And again when Piggy showed her his party trick with a little furry animal...

Piggy seal fucker

She kept asking Piggy about Tazzy's willy for the rest of the evening. I know it was a strange shape and colour, but you'd have thought she'd have seen it all, given her life experiences and encounters with donkeys.

Piggy and April

I don't know why, but Paddy's Goose has a strange pull on me and we ended up in there after the meal. It's one of those places that looks like a normal pub as you walk in, until you turn round from the bar with your drink and notice that you're surrounded by the 70 year old transvestites who gather there. So that's where we stayed until I left to give somebody a lift home.

They all came back here and the fellers stayed too. It was a very late night, followed by an early awakening courtesy of gale force winds, thunder, lightning and hail stones.

Four hours sleep for all meant that we were all totally monged to be bothered battling the winds at Salford Quays. Too cold, too windy, too tired, we came home and vegged out until it was time to go for curry.

And then it was over as soon as it had begun. They're now in London, with lots of proper sights to enjoy - fuck, what did they expect coming to Manchester in January? We only have two weeks of decent weather over the year and they usually occur sometime between May and September.

It was lovely to see April again and to meet Misha. I just love those North Americans and their excessively long legs!


Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

We miss her already. And Mish-Mash, who used to be a man, too.

Even though they brought T.B with them.

And we want/need your wee cat and dog!

Anonymous said...

The wee dog ate a £65 pair of trainers and a pair of sunglasses this morning; you can have him.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lovely visit. I assume that you're referring to T&P when you say 70 year old Trannys (I've always suspected)
~ my new home on the web

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Eeek! They arrived from Norwich?!

That explains the battered otter corpses along the river bank. I guess it's the closest April could find to seals...

It certainly looks like you were all having a great time judging by the smiling in the photos. Well, apart from that one of Piggy staring at the menu, or what ever it was. Had he just noticed the prices, or something?

Anonymous said...

It was lovely seeing everyone, even the boys. Surprising, since they're such a pair of cunts at times.

I wonder who we'll get over here next. Hopefully a Paul McCartney or Cliff Richard fan from Alabama or Stornoway.

Anonymous said...

Where are the pictures of nekked April we were expecting? This is most disappointing.

Did you feed her a vindaloo?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely visit!