Tuesday 7 August 2007

The ties that bind

Why is it that blokes generally have to wear a shirt and tie in the workplace and women can get away with much less formal dress? I've never quite understood this.

Ah well.

There's a stink been kicked up by some nannying charities who want the advertising of infant formula to be banned. Fucking Breast is Best Nazis want to stop sticking their self-righteous noses into peoples' business.

Having spent a considerable amount of time with a newborn this year, I think mothers should be forced to use formula to shut babies up. With the best intentions, some mums don't satisfy their babies with the breast milk they can produce and they need to supplement. But of course, at the back of their minds are the lectures from the Breast Feeding Nurses at the maternity unit and the displeasure in said wimmins' voices when they're asked what to do if mum can't breast feed. "Persevere!", no "Well, you need to know how to sterilise bottles if you're going to formula feed", so the mums end up giving their babies nasty gut infections and killing them instead.


Let's face it, with some of the shit that some breast-feeding mothers eat, formula is probably much safer than toxic boob juice.

I'm here at the Moonlighting Drug Testing Agency. What with having more mouths to feed, I need to bringing in more cash.

Working here occasionally has its bonuses; the folk here are nice, the work is OK (but there are long gaps at times), the money comes in handy for my gadget habit. But once you agree to do this sort of locum work, you always feel kind of tied. There's no reason for me to feel a responsibility, but I feel guilty if I don't agree to come in at weekends and evenings. The weekends are OK, it's evenings that are killers.

But what I like about being here is that I'm back in the lab, doing science things, wearing a lab coat. Your day is dictated by beeping timers that help you stick to a set protocol. You have defined tasks.

And you get two hour gaps here and there.

And they don't block blogger.

Pop my TV cherry
Tump upgraded our cable TV today. After a number of text messages asking when I thought the TV channels would come through, then one saying everything had gone off, I told her to phone them. Instead of upgrading us, they'd disconnected us.

Well done Virgin.

Of course, they'd never had treated her so shabbily had she dropped in a "Do you know who I am?", which she has every right to now that she is a star of radio. It was weird listening to her as she gave an interview on Gaydio yesterday (listen live on
http://www.gaydio.co.uk/!), it was her, but she sounded really professional. Made me feel unworthy.

But what if she is destined for stardom? How would I cope with being her wife, tagged along to premieres, never given a speaking role? There'd be gossip magazine articles about why she should dump me for some glamour model, the press would delve into my past. Actually, the press would delve into her past, which is a lot more interesting than mine.

Perhaps I'm off the hook. Perhaps me, Rocky and Looshkin won't be abandoned afterall. The latter spent all night out last night. She came back wet, whingy and with her front paws died orange. I think she must've been messing about with the travelling fairground that appeared on the field at the back of us yesterday.

I wonder what a cat or dog would do if you took it on a waltzer?


Anonymous said...

I fear that you may suffer 'first wife' syndrome.

When Trump gets to be A list you will be cast aside in favour of Cher or Carol Vorderman.

The alimony should be nice though.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope so!

Anonymous said...

Well, when Trump runs off with Beth Ditto, then we'll be here to dry your tears...

Anonymous said...

Along the same lines, why are Women almost tacitly forbidden from covering their arms? The overwhelming majority of women's clothing has short or absent sleeves. I can't remember when I first noticed this, but now I can't un-notice. Even relatively formal wear suffers/benefits from this.

I spoze half the reason for the Mr.Shirt&Tie vs Ms.Whatever-you-please syndrome is that women weren't expected to be found in an office environment up until relatively recently. Formal fashion is the slowest known living creature on Earth, its heart beats only once every 10 years. The necktie worn by poor office dudes today is only a mild evolution of the cravats worn from the mid 1600s onward. Slow to react, is what I'm saying. It will be another three hundred years before Women's formal wear is truly.. er, formalised, by which time, alas, it will be the oh-so-chic Sackcloth and Ashes look, as the entire world will have gone to shit and reverted to the early middle ages; just look around you. :¬)

It's just as well that women wear allsorts of colourful and shiny things to work, as having them around the office has the pleasant bonus side effect (amongst many others) of brightening the place up a bit.

The baby milk thing is a tricky one. A primary reason for this is that formula is made by big businesses, and such businesses are amoral fucking cunts. Which is putting it nicely, in the case of Nestle, who enjoy marketing baby formula (I mean baby milk powder, not semen) in such a way as to hugely contribute toward the early deaths of lots of babies in the third world.

There's plenty of info in our old mate Google, but here's one I found earlier. CLICKY MEEE.

It boils down to: Free formula to new mothers in fucked countries for a short time.. just long enough for breast milk production to dry up - breast milk dries up - mother and baby now dependent on formula which costs 40% of income - formula often made with contaminated water or unsterilised equipment - significant immune advantages of breast milk lost + dodgy water = dead babies.

The companies do a great deal more than just give free formula away, too, to push their products to the active and knowing detriment of their consumers.

The WHO estimate that 1.5 million babies die per year because of the results caused by this sort of sharp practice.

In this country, where the water is ok, and there is adequate (debatably) healthcare provision, you can take your pick. Bottle or nottle. The best, of course, is to supplement one with the other to ensure adequate supply. In third world countries, it's very different. :¬(

Give me breasts any day (hurr hurr).

In other news:

You could be a disgraceful star wife, and boost her career by continually starting fights, tasering, being drunk and disorderly, flirting with other stars, etc.

Looshkin has been moonlighting at a organic smoothie factory, and has been treading mangoes for £3.65 an hour. Little orange kitty feet.

The cat or dog on the waltzer would savage you, then vomit. They love vomiting.

Anonymous said...

I always lost count of how many little scoops of stinking powder one was supposed to put in the bottle.

Was it 6 or 7 scoops in 30 mls of steaming hot water?

Anonymous said...

blokes start the day by tying a noose round their necks. Funny that.