Wednesday 29 August 2007


"Fed up with your dishes still being wet when you take them out of the dishwasher? Why not try Finish Powerball/Fairy Active Burst or whatever shite we're advertising?"

Why not doing the pots by hand and leaving them to drain on the draining board like most of us have to?

Then again, it is quite annoying when you have to dry the dishes by hand when you'd have thought they'd come out dry from the machine.

Just shows you how much we rely on machines to do things for us. Why can't somebody invent a washing machine that washes, dries, irons, and puts away? Especially one that pairs socks. If I had the money, I'd like to be able to wear clothes only once then chuck them.

That's how old I am today.



Anonymous said...

Yay! First!

Yay! A Birthday!

Do lesbo's celebrate their own Birthdays? I thought they only celebrated cat birthdays?

Don't let anyone in Salford know - they'll be round in a gang to nick the cake, jelly and ice-cream.


Happy Birthday, you mop-headed old (and getting older) filthy lesbo cunt!

Next stop: The menopause!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday you old Slapper.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Yay! I got here just in time not to be lost amid a sea of comments.

That new washing machine you're hoping someone will invent already exists. It's called a houseboy. I've got mine up to his elbows in my soapy sink as I type!

Anonymous said...

Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!

Hope the puppy training is holding up. Haven't read any blogs in a LONG while... good luck looking for a house, I'm trying to sell mine. Say, you want to move to Philly???

That prisoners practicing Thriller video was quite interesting.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Shit, you're younger than me. No more moaning about being old, dammit! I resemble those remarks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you all, especially P&T - your sentiments are so kind, as ever Hi Aas, you dishy thing!

Anonymous said...


37 is still plenty young!