Thursday 21 September 2006


There's never a dull moment when it comes to Sniffy and her PC! For the past week or so, I've been noticing strange switch noises coming from within the box that sits on my desk here, like something powering down then up again. Well, it turns out that one of my hard drives is goosed!

Realising that hard disks can just go has scared the crap out of me. This PC contains archives of things that are about 15 years old, not to mention all my photos and music, e-mails and shite. What the hell do you do if you lose all that?

I count myself very lucky since it's my spare drive that is dying. It's one that I use for backing up my stuff, so I'm just going to get one of those external hard drive things as a backup instead.

Think on.

This life
This episode has made me realise how important my PC is to me. What would life be like without one? It doesn't bear thinking about. I'd end up some sort of catatonic wreck, rocking back and forth in a chair. Jesus, I'd have to watch TV or do something dreadful like go out.

Heaven forbid.

It's clicking at me now.

I used to like This Life and I'm pleased that a one-off episode that catches up with the characters ten years on is now being filmed. I remember watching one episode in front of my parents, cousin and her ten year old son: Ferdy and that horrible Scottish bloke were shagging in a toilet or something. Brilliant.

I hate ebay
I never get anything good on ebay. I never win auctions, or see anything that makes me think Oh that's a real bargain, just what I've been after! It is shite and it has been taken over by sellers from the far east peddling their wares at seemingly good prices but with huge postal costs.

Can anybody tell me the last thing they won in an ebay auction (not bought) that has been really good?

I suppose I'm looking for the wrong things. If I wanted to collect thousands of issues of Shoot! magazine from the 1970s, I'd probably be really happy (until I caught a fatal mycelial infection from all the mold that had grown on them).

So here's a challenge for anybody who happens to have a heart: Put something really good up for sale on ebay and let me win the auction for a bargain price of 20p with free P&P.

I got an e-mail from somebody yesterday. It said that if I put up a simple link for Endsleigh life insurance that they'd give me £40, or £50 if did it today. So I did. We'll see what happens.

If anybody else fancies advertising their services here, I'm pretty cheap. In all honesty, the best way for people to advertise themselves here is to offer decent service. Be good and I'll tell the world, be bad and I'll let you have it with both barrels.

Good books:
Marks and Spencer
Amazon UK

Bad books:
GE Capital
New Labour

There are others, plenty of them, but that'll do for now.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sniffy, have you ever taken any action against/at those companies in your bad books? I've finally had it with McDonalds and fired off a nasty letter, and Barbara over at is waging war against a national office supply company. The people must rise up!

As for the rest of your post, I can offer no advice on the PC issue, I'm lucky I know how to turn mine on. Ebay is a good idea but you're right, most of the crap on there is crap and even when you "win" and think you got a good deal, they charge you twice the cost of the item to ship it to you. If I had anything I thought you'd be remotely interested in, I wouldn't bother auctioning it off, I'd just give it to you. You entertain me ;-)

Anonymous said...

I hate bad gas and that's exactly what I have at this moment. I think I'm rotting from the inside out.

I love the Super Walmarts in the STates. Yay.

Anonymous said...

It's about time we found out what Egg and Millie got up to after that bitch broke them up at the wedding!

Anonymous said...

I once had a right old go at somebody from Tesco (back in March this year sometime), but that was their online flower service and the shops tend to be OK.

Thanks for that information April, you're such a lady.

The This Life follow up should be on early next year, so I understand.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sniff! Thought of you when reading this cartoon as well as the next one...

Aas (not to be confused with Aak)

Anonymous said...

Shocked and appalled!

What do you mean you never get anything good off ebay or never win any auctions??????


Anonymous said...

*agree's with the eBay word*

*bad move with the Endsliegh thing*

Anonymous said...

I'm all of a quiver in anticipation of This Life returning.

A quiver, I tell you!

Anonymous said...

Ebay, aka

I bought a leather coat from ebay. I got a rash on my neck and wrists from the residual perfume on the collar and cuffs. I now have an allergy that confounds my doctor and have subsequently become allergic to hair dye. Woe.