Friday 15 September 2006

For goodness' sake!

It seems that the Pope, whom we all love as leader of the fantastic Catholic faith, has upset the "Muslim Nation" by quoting something that was said nearly 700 years ago.

In a speech about the concept of holy war or something or other, and
stressing that they were not his own words, Pope Benedict XVI quoted Emperor Manual II Paleologos of the Byzantine Empire, the Orthodox Christian empire which had its capital in what is now the Turkish city of Istanbul.

The emperor's words were, he said: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Benedict said "I quote" twice to stress the words were not his and added that violence was "incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul"

Ann Widdecome couldn't have put it better herself.

But now Muslim "leaders" around the world are kicking off, yet again. I don't know, cartoons, speeches, quotations, everything seems to offend Muslim sensitivities without any one person being given the voice or the opportunity to act rationally and engage in grown up debate about the issues. It always seems that the first response is to go on the attack. "We ask the Pope to apologise to the Muslim nation for insulting its religion, its Prophet and its beliefs."

I also find the idea of a faith identifying itself as a "nation" or "brotherhood" (clearly not sisterhood) rather alarming.

Gets on your nerves a bit.

I may get criticised for this post, but I'm just sick of religious bullies thinking their opinions should have influence over a majority of people who don't agree with them and who don't give a shit about their backward supersticions. Let's face it, a lot of the world's problems result from one religion or anothers perceived right to impose its view and rule of law on other people. Do us all a favour and get rid of the lot of them.


Anonymous said...

I seem to remember that the Catholics haven't been the most peaceful of religions. The Christians have also been known to spread their faith by the sword around the Middle East too.

Anonymous said...

Well bloody said!

And you beat me to it - I'm about to post on the same topic in a wee bit.

I'm getting sick to the back fucking teeth of the way it's becoming impossible to criticise anything about Islam or Muslim followers without being accused of racism, being bombed, riots, senses of outrage, etc, etc, etc...

Maybe when they shut the fuck up criticising the rest of us, then I'll stop criticising them.

Anyway, better get writing my own bits on it.

Anonymous said...

So true! Just recently, his Holy Twatness was quoted saying how awful it is "that Canadian politicians are moving further and further from their faith" with reference to our legal gay marriage. Cuz we all know perfectly well that religion and state need to be in bed together!

Anonymous said...

I think the Catholics have a pretty dodgy record, and their actions in Africa to this day are reprehensible. However, even the Catholics are open to debate about their faith and most grown up people can take criticism on the chin and seek ways to address criticism.

I'm just tired of the Muslim response to everything: go on the attack, rather than joining debate and discussion about how people with different ideologies should be working together to share this planet. This is the 21st century and everybody seems to be moving on except them, who are firmly entrenched in the middle ages.

Anonymous said...

perhaps, though the popemobile seems to keep backfiring. I was more in agreement of your 'getting rid of the lot of them' comment.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that the world would be a much better place without any of these religions that think they have a right to or place to dictate how people should live.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to start up a new faith - The Church Of Piggy And Tazzy.

All welcome!

Bring your husbands!

Bring beer! (lemonade for Sniffy)

Bring brown sauce sarnies!

Anonymous said...

Can I be your first Bishop Piggy?

Instead of a staff and mitre I want a MK47 and a beret.

Bring back the Inquisition I say.

Anonymous said...

No, Sid. The only exclusions will be the Oirish.

They're beyond our powers of redemption.

Anonymous said...

Don't hate the playah.

Hate the self-ascribed "leaders" who seem to annoint themselves with the power to speak for Muslim people all around the world.

Same is true for all other large-scale movements.

Anonymous said...

Trust Aas to be reasonable! The problem lies where any large scale belief system exerts such power over its followers. When the followers are uneducated and poor, they are more open to bad influences that are exerted by "leaders" - they essentially believe anything that they're told because they are powerless to find out any different.

I beat you all to cult status with the Church of Cakesnifferology. Do as I say or you'll all burn in the fiery pit, covered in warts, with your arses sewn up.

Anonymous said...

It's true that we in the west do seem to have a hypocritical streak. Even now we still seem to believe that we can turn up, stick a flag in the ground, and propose that we own the place.

With that said, the bad things that the extremists are doing are (I'm reliably informed) basically based on a misunderstanding of the message of their faith. If anyone can explain the motives for what's been going on they are better people than me; I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Islam needs to grow the fuck up, as many other major religions have had to.

Mind you it's all the same to me. One bunch of people who believe in Sky Fairies getting uppity with another bunch.

Looking for a new religion? Join the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Become a Pastafarian. Be touched by His noodly appendage.

Anonymous said...

"Islam needs to grow the fuck up, as many other major religions have had to."

Agreed. 100%

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd take this opportunity to invite a well known blogger to offer some captions, as I have finally completed the Elf Shorts thingy. I fear there may be very little competition at this rate...

Anonymous said...

hear hear, sniffy.