Tuesday, 16 November 2010


I should remember to keep things simple.  The only bits I know about technology are through trial and error and through having somebody on hand to repair the damage when I mess things up.  In the absence of my sorely-missed 24hr tech support guru, I should know not to mess.

I messed.

I fucked up the old blog (you can try the link, but I assure you, it's fucked).

Ah well.


Why do I have to mess?  What can't I be one of these people who lives within the limits of their intellectual capabilities, one who knows to leave well alone?

Because I'm a dick.

Anyway (;@) what's done is done.  Move on.

I've been trying twitter this week.  I don't get it. Admittedly, I've been contributing to this blog for years now, but I didn't start out with any expectation that anybody would read it.  People did, and it was flattering when folk left comments, and fun when people from Stornoway started arguments with me in their funny little illiterate Bebo-esque way, but I always write things here as a bit of fun; it gives me the opportunity to digest my thoughts and reflect on my experiences instead of reacting and going on the rampage.

But Twitter?  It's for people who expect an audience - like a text message to the world in the expectation that all who care to know the most mundane things about our existence, like where we are on the Bristol Stool Form Guide on any particular day.

It's not that different to this I suppose, only for the illiterate.  And I just don't get it.

Christmas approaches, it has been doing for the past six weeks I suppose, but the TV adverts are telling us to panic buy in readiness for the supermarkets being closed for two days RIGHT NOW!  This year, I'm going to be enjoying the true spirit of the season - time with loved ones and family being highest on my priority list.  This is mainly because I'm skint and I can't afford to buy any presents, but I don't expect to receive any either.

The thorny issue of where I'm spending Christmas has already been resolved, and I'm happy that the solution doesn't involve me eating two Christmas dinners, but I do get to wake up on Christmas morning with my beautiful girlfriend.

Compromise is something you only need between the ages of 15 and 80 - outside these limits and you're justified in telling everyone else to go fuck 'emselves.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Just like post-communist Russia

I don't understand supermarkets.  Well I do, obviously:

  1. Park up as close as possible to the entrance
  2. Pick up a trolley - one of the midi ones because bending down to put stuff in the big ones is a touch too much for your ageing back
  3. Wander around the store, picking up items from your shopping list, tutting occasionally at shoppers who abandon their trolleys in the middle of the aisle with not quite enough of a gap to squeeze yours through without touching theirs*.
    • Grapefruit - check
    • Milk - check
    • Mozzarella - check
    • Warburton's thickest loaf - che... Ooh, look, it's on offer.  I'll get two and freeze one.
    • Mustard seeds - check
    • Turmeric - check
    • Ground cumin - che...  Hang on, no cumin?  At all? 
So you go to the "ethnic" aisle and prepare to buy a 4kg bag of the stuff - none there either.  What the fuck?  So you are then compelled to return to the normal spice aisle and do this:

Honestly, what were they thinking when they designed this packaging?  But it's nice to know that shoppers can have this fun in Tesco, Sainsbury and Waitrose.  They don't do herbs and spices in Asda because they only sell bottled "He-he, this'll make you shit" and "Fucking poof coconut girlie shite" curry sauces that are ready made for the exquisite tastes of their own particular brand of shopper.

The great thing about the world foods section is that you can get what you want for a lot cheaper than from the standard produce aisles.  For example, red kidney beans in salted water for 30p a can instead of shitty red kidney beans in salt-free water for 50p a can.  I got three cans of really nice coconut milk for 50p a can tonight when the normal crappy stuff is about £1 a can from the next aisle.

I'm sure this amounts to discrimination against white, British people who are a bit wary of venturing into those sections of the store where the packaging comes in foreign languages.  

*What is it about other shoppers' trolleys that makes them off bounds in terms of moving them out of the way, or ramming them into the backs of their legs when they dump them right in front of the shelf you want to get to?  There's an unwritten law that says you simply cannot touch another person's trolley with any part of your anatomy, you have to gently squeeze past it or give it a gently nudge with your own trolley.  Just think about it next time you're in Tesco.  You'll find yourself doing it.

Anyway (:@), you finally fill your trolley with stuff that you didn't need and none of the things you did want and take it to the till where you don't have to interact with the checkout assistant any more.  They just fling things at you after scanning them and you face the task of bagging things up before your entire load of shopping piles up around your ears.  The transaction is completed by the shopper too, sometimes prompted by a nod and a "put your card into the reader", you take your own receipt and trundle out of the store... slowly.... as you're always caught behind somebody in their 60s taking their 90 year old mum for her weekly shop.

Of course we have self checkouts these days. If you don't have the privilege of having your shopping scanned and thrown at you by somebody else, surely you should get a discount?

The "unexpected item in bagging area" is usually a bag.

There will be an uprising.  Not of layabout, so-called "students", or agitator union-types (I will attend to these imbeciles in due course).  No, the normal, every day MOP (member of public) will decide one day that they've had enough and they will demand service.  Come on Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrisons, Waitrose, the lot of you.  Get some real people on the tills and make the experience of your customers not quite so soul-destroying.

Every little helps.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Anyway.... ;@)

So it came to pass that I became a homeowner on the 29th October.  It's all a bit weird since, apart from a letter from my solicitor telling me that the business was completed on 29th October (and a big hole in my current account), there's nothing here to say that it's ours (mine, but ours).

Nothing apart from a new toilet seat* and a pile of aspirational magazines that display wonderful homes that one can only ever, well, aspire to. But the homes in these magazines aren't real, not for people who can't even afford an average-priced house; they're beyond aspirational and drift into other-worldly.  After having discussions about wallpaper emblazoned with bold patterns, it was interesting to note that the homes featured in Homos in their Gardens, Period House, Cunty Living and the like, they don't have wallpaper, they're just plain with pictures and soft furnishings to add colour to a living space ("living space", for fuck's sake).  Nice houses don't have bold wallpaper and feature walls, oh no, this is the reserve of the Horror Houses that you see on Rightmove in the £95,000-£120,000 bracket. I have seen them ALL.

In addition to starting a new line in designer toilet seats, I'm going to start a monthly periodical (how can anybody not laugh at that?) that features real homes, decorated by normal people with decent taste, on a moderate budget.  The sorts of folk who get their kitchens and decorating materials from B&Q and their furniture and soft furnishings from M&S (or even the never knowingly undersold shop).  I'd also produce a monthly magazine digest of the worst homes currently showing on Rightmove.... like THIS horror in Glossop, or this bugger not far from here.

There is no problem with falling house prices, people are just trying to sell rubbish homes.

*One thing struck me on the day that I moved in to this place last year: the flimsiness of the toilet seat.  I know I don't have the most delicate of derrières, but even so, the original B&Q toilet seat on the B&Q cheapo toilet was beyond a joke and was the first thing to be replaced once we had hold of the keys (metaphorically speaking).  Needless to say, we shunned the opportunity of going for the £60 soft-close variety and went for a bog-standard, yet solid little number that will hopefully provide many hours and years of comfortable toilet visits.  I'm sure there's a market out there for designer toilet seat embellished with images from the Bristol Stool Form Scale.  I could make millions from it!

A special day
Friends and loved ones will gather on Wednesday to say their farewells and celebrate John McCusker.  A man who left himself somewhere else and became known and very much loved as cute wee John Pigster, or Piggy.  There will be tears, but there will be colour and hopefully lots of smiles once the tension and sadness of his funeral has passed.

His death was tragic, his life cut short so unexpectedly, he will be missed terribly, but he will live on eternally in the fond memories of those who came to love him.

The cunt.