Saturday 14 February 2009

These dreams

As predicted the other day, wearing a 24hr nicotine patch has resulted in four nights of sleep that have been disturbed by vivid dreams.  I'm knackered.  In addition to this, the first few hours of wearing a new patch each day bring unwanted physiological effects, mainly nausea.  Still I suppose it'll be worth it once I can do without both fags and patches in a couple of weeks' time.

But back to the dreams, they've been quite odd.  Perhaps all dreams are; I don't usually have or remember them, but these ones have been odd.  Here's what I can remember of a few of them:

Night 1


Jo had forced me to move out.  She'd identified a lovely little bedsit that was a bedroom and a sink to have a stand up wash in and was showing me around, very proud of herself.  I can't remember much else, other than complaining that there was no Coffeemate - not that there was a kitchen or a kettle or anything.

I woke up annoyed.

Ireland and the magic fag packet

The second dream that night found me in Ireland of all places.  It was Ireland, but it looked more mediterranean.  I think there was a castle, a shopping centre, a monorail, some chips, the obligatory argument with my sister that resulted me dropping the empty duty free Marlboro Lights carton (you know the big cartons that hold ten packets, but look like a big fag packet?).  I'd been carrying this huge empty fag packet around with me and dropped it at the table of a cafe after the chips (I think this is where the chips came in - no gravy, just ketchup).  I went back to pick it up from the floor and found that it had come open to reveal a solitary cigarette inside it.

I decided to save the cigarette until later, but as the dream progressed (probably about a millisecond in real time), more and more fags found their way into the once empty carton until it was nearly full by the time I woke up at 5am.

At that very moment of hazy waking, I remember being really happy that there was a full packet of cigarettes in the house, only to realise a second later that a) there wasn't, b) I'd been dreaming and c) I was supposed to have stopped.


I spent the day completely shattered and slept relatively well that night, and the night after... I think, can't quite remember.

Last night

The stroll, the sneaky fag and the curious incident with the BMW

I'd been at my parents' and it was getting a bit too much for me, so I found myself taking a walk and having a fag.  The top road had somehow turned into a motorway, so it took a while for me to buck up the courage (and speed, and ability to assess distance and speed of oncoming vehicles) to get across.  For some reason, when I'd got to the safety of the other side, I stopped behind a stationary BMW, which then reversed over me.  I think it was a BMW, it might have been my old car that I wrote off  - it was black anyway.  While I was nursing my bruises and being told off by the driver of the offending vehicle (a fifty-something bint with blonde hair), my sister turned up and got run over too.  She complained for a bit and blamed me... and then I woke up... at 2.39am.

An argument over a washing up bowl

After recovering I was back in the kitchen at my mum and dad's.  Dad was doing something in the sink; he was messing about, washing something in the washing up bowl - orange bits of plastic.  He got into a strop when I told him he wasn't doing it right, so he took the bowl out and put it on the kitchen floor.

Actually, that might've happened in real life a few times too.

Bette from the L Word falls in love with me

This was the best one so far.  I don't know how it happened, but I met Bette (Jennifer Beals) from the L Word and started doing really dirty things with me.  And then she told me she loved me.   And then I woke up.

So the dreams you get with nicotine patches aren't all that bad.  I think everyone should try wearing a 21mg patch for a few days and then tell me what dreams they've been having.  I don't want to know about dreams where Bette tells other people she loves them though.


I'm going out tonight, round to some friends who I've known forever.  It should be good, but I need to go through the rigmarole of getting ready.  In terms of outfit, this never presents much of a problem because I always wear the same thing - jeans, blouse/shirt, jumper.

The thing I'm looking forward to least is plucking my face.  Eyebrows, moustache, beard, hairy moles - they all need attention.  This will bring about much pain and much sneezing.  And lots of frustration too, as the lighting in the bathroom doesn't favour such detailed activities.

It's not as if there's the chance of pulling anyone while I'm out since they're all straight.  Then again, I have this thing about flirting with straights... and that's probably why I'm still single.  But it's just that knowledge that most straight women are probably curious, some have tried a bit of ladylove, so it's nice to play on that curiosity and see how far it gets you.  In my case, nowhere, but there's always a first time.


I've changed my template.  What do you think, does it need a bit of colour?


Piggy and Tazzy said...

We fucking hate the fact we have to scroll up to comment!

Fucking shitty template!

Sniffy said...

I hate that too. Change it for me.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Oh, I'll see what I can do for you.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

All done!

Sniffy said...

Oh thank you so much! Did you ever know that you're my hero?????

Piggy and Tazzy said...


Of course I do.

Sniffy said...

I'm going to sing to you... It must've been cold there in my shaaaaaaaaaadow...

Piggy and Tazzy said...

*slips into a coma*

garfer said...

This template is too minimalist and post modern for my liking. It needs more chintz and ornaments. Oh, and some scatter cushions as well.

See to it.

Sniffy said...

How about some rose petals strewn here and there in an oo la la fashion?

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Or a few sardines hidden behind the radiators? That'd be more authentic.

Bronwen said...

Ooh, very minimalist. I think a splash of color wouldn't go amiss.

I flirt with the lesbians all the time, much for the same reason you flirt with us - hell, it's fun! Keeps the skills sharp.

Sniffy said...

You want colour? For fuck's sake. I'll see what I can do.

I should perhaps flirt with you Bronwen, build my skills.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Ooooh! We like this ever so slightly colourful one!

Especially the way the time/date/comments is shown.

We might do a Sniffy and copy this one from you!

Bronwen said...

Flirt away, darling ;-)

And I loooove what you've done with the place. The little thought bubbles with the comments? A-dorable.

Sniffy said...

Thank you Bronwen, very nice of you to say.

Hey, have you done something different to your hair? It's lovely. And your perfume... Here, let me get a little closer to your neck so I can smell it on your skin.