Wednesday 18 February 2009

Put that away

What do these photos have in common?


Well from today, here in the UK, you can get into an awful lot of trouble for taking them.  The authorities can confiscate cameras, remove film, or delete digital images, or even arrest you if they don't like the look of you taking photos of public places, shopping centres, people, parades, government buildings, transport hubs, members of the armed forces, but especially our boys and girls in blue.  In fact, taking a photo of an on-duty police officer can get you a ten year prison sentence.  For more information, see here.

It's all part of the Government's anti terrorism legislation, you see.  But we all know it's part of the Government's planned destruction of our civil liberties and desire to turn the UK into a Stalinist Police State.

We're already the most watched nation in the world.  From March, all our e-mail records will be kept, as will records of our mobile phone usage.  Soon enough, they'll be tracking which websites we visit.

Already, more than two people can't gather in protest without permission from the police.  We've had concentration camp survivor who dared heckle at the Labour Party conference arrested under anti-terrorism legislation.  An opposition MP's offices and home were raided by anti-terror police and he was arrested under the same legislation.

We are having ID cards forced on us (to help prevent terrorism) too.  Of course, the terrorists that have been  involved in attacks here were all British anyway and all would've held an ID card anyway.

And yet we sit and let it happen.  The people are either blind or apathetic, or maybe they're too scared to protest.  We had fewer restrictions on our liberties when we were under threat of invasion from the fucking Nazis.

Fucking nobhead government can go fuck themselves right up the arse for all I care.  It'd be nice if everybody took their camera out with them and took as many photos of the police and public places as they can and then e-mail all the images to Jackie Smith and Gordon Brown, the pair of useless cunts.


Those delightful poofs, Tazzy and Piggy, have done some wonderful technological things to my blog and visitors who drop by on their iPhone will see a very nifty version of my site.  Loverly.


Piggy and Tazzy said...

"What do this photos have in common?"

What kind of fucking English is that, you mong? No wonder the country's in trouble. Next thing we know, you'll be losing a leg, getting a suntan and becoming a single mother.


The reason the British public (are there many of them left?) don't do fuck all about all this new legislation is due to the fact that they're all lazy, selfish, couldn't-give-a-fuck-about-anyone-but-themselves fucktards.

You know my opinion on matters like this - it makes me sick. Quite why they're all so fucking apathetic is beyond me too.

I've already said many times that I'd rather go to prison than get an ID card (which is fucking pointless as there's going to be no requirement to carry it!) - I know there are thousands of others who, like me, will stand by the pledge to refuse to do so - how many prisons are they going to have to build to hold us all?

What the UK needs right now is a massive - and I realy mean MASSIVE show of civil disobedience. It's well overdue. Problem is, they all fucking moan about it but, as you say, do fuck all about it.

I really do detest this country now.

Sniffy said...

Rubbish English, I'm a spaz.

Civil disobedience - I'd be in for that, no problem. So that makes at least two of us.

I hate this country too. Most of its people deserve everything they get.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Is this - commenting on blogs - considered to be a public gathering? Are we protesting?

Only one more of us and we'll be illegals! Ooooh - get us, subversive bloggers!

Or have we discovered a loophole?

Oh, I feel so dirty now.

Sniffy said...

You are dirty, you're a filthy homo.

I bet if in my last comment I'd put "Most people in this country deserve to be blown up in a huge terrorist attack", that would've got me flagged by the Internet Police. But I think I'm being watched by the cunts anyway because of a certain somebody.

Oh dear, I've gone and done it now.

I obviously don't believe that, but I just wish people would be more aware of what's happening and get off their arses and do something. Mass Civil Disobedience is a good way, so long as it's peaceful and just causes a load of inconvenience. Like thousands of people suddenly getting their cameras out and taking photos of the police.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Thankfully, our saviours could yet turn out to be the Tories - who have publicly (on many occasions) pledged to scrap all this shite.

I never ever thought I'd vote Tory until now.

Saying that though, I don't know whether I believe them, or not.

Regardless, the lack of protests confounds me.

And if one more cunt says 'nothing to fear, nothing to hide' to me, I'll move ever nearer to twatting the thick bastard.

Sniffy said...

Or nothing to hide, nothing to fear?

I suppose the same people never close their curtains and don't bother shredding their paperwork. Idiots.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Yes, yes. You know what I meant.

Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. I got them mixed up / wrong way round / back to front in the midst of my uncharacteristic moment of rage.

Pedantic cunt.

Bronwen said...

You know, it seems like every time I turn around, I read about the British gov't curtailing its constituents' free speech, and now you can't even snap a photo without being labeled a terrorist? Fuck me sideways! I'll still be bringing my camera along in April when I visit London. Jaysus, what next? Are they going to arrest me for taking a snap of the Houses of Parliament?

Convict said...

Considering the size of the welfare state and the number of the work-shy it is not surprising there is a lack of response from the public about this. They don't want to bite the hand that feeds them.

I'm more worried about ACPO itself and would like to see it disbanded, dissolved, whatever.

There are now 3 of us protesting so we will probably get armed police bashing down our doors at four in the morning shooting all the pets.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Fucking hell - Connie's alive!

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Well and truly fucked the template now, I see.

Sniffy said...

Have I?oh fuck. Can't see it from here as I'm on my itouch, I'll sort it later.

Sniffy said...

Oh dear, that's not right at all. What the fuck have I done to it?

Sniffy said...

Hrrm, content width of 9600px was never going to be particularly successful.

Piggy and Tazzy said...


Thick cunt.

You may be larger than life, but we need the pages not to be larger than the monitor, dear.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Oh and to answer your question - what do all these photo's have in common...

They're all taken in an around that shithole called Manchester?

Sniffy said...

Yes they are! And the prize of a bumper bag of peanut M&Ms goes to Piggy!