Following a poor approval rating for my previous blog template, I've decided to change it to something slightly more colourful. There are still a few bits that I don't like, but in general it's OK.
Also adding a bit of colour to the world, I've started my own version of the atheist bus campaign. It's actually going to be a nationwide thing that was started by the Yorkshire Poofs and is now being rolled out across the North West by me.
[caption id="attachment_1951" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="Sniffy's bus campaign"][/caption]
These boots were made for limping
I bought some new boots for school yesterday. They're OK, but they're not as comfortable as my normal "comfortable" shoes, mainly because they're women's boots.
I am crippled this evening and I've come to realise that my toenails have gone past the point where I can no longer get away without cutting them.
My toenails oft resemble an alsations.
I know the feeling well.
Must remember to do mine when I go to bed.
I'll be swooping down into rivers to catch fish with them soon.
You are now iPod Touch and iPhone compatible!
And check your email!
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