Saturday 20 December 2008

Hey, Mr DJ

I've had a very rewarding, but rather dull day.

In the days before digital music players, you'd take a 7" or 12" vinyl record, a cassette, or a CD and you'd play it using the appropriate piece of equipment.  You listened to the music, enjoyed it - or not, but invariably, a track would be listened to in full.

Albums were compositions of related songs, often based on a theme that developed from one track to the next, and you'd absorb the whole thing, drawing your own inferences as to the meanings of the music, the words, and that.  After reaching the end, it was tempting to listen again, and again.

Enough of my love for Bros and Kylie.  These days, with the advent of MP3 and listening to music on iPods, Zens, PCs, our relationship with music is so transient.  I find it difficult to get the end of a single track, let alone to listen to a whole album.  But I wonder whether music has moved on too?  Does an album still contain those individual compositions, eached linked by a common theme?  Who knows?  I haven't listened to entire album in such a long time.  Instead, I have all the music I care to listen to loaded onto an MP3 player, where I listen to all the tracks on shuffle play, often skipping many of them before they even get going.

Being pretty good when it comes to recognising music: I can usually tell what I'm listening to within a couple of seconds of it starting, but sometimes I get duped it it's an obscure album track - obviously - or something crappy world music that I downloaded in the misguided hope of expanding my musical horizons, but have failed to delete.  So I come to listen to my music on shuffle play and I find myself stumped as to the identity of a track.  It often helps that the artwork for an album is displayed on the lovely screen of my iPod Touch, which I can see from the comfort of my sitting position all the way over to where the shiny device of genius sits in its docking station.  But herein lies the problem: since I don't usually get my music from iTunes, a lot of my albums didn't have the artwork associated with it on the player, so I'd have to actually get up and look at my iPod so I could see what was playing.

My life really sucks at times, doesn't it?

Having a full library of the music artwork would obviously forewarn me that a track from El Guincho's Alegranza, or some other crap was next up as I sit skipping track after track.  It'd also allow me to know when a track that I actually liked was coming on.

Because of this, I spent the day downloading and associating all the missing album art for the music on my iPod, all of it.  How tedious, but as I said, how very rewarding.

I could always delete the stuff that I don't like, but I might just get a bang on the head one day that changes my musical tastes.

Apparently, my dislike of most rap and hip-hop music, and that awful southern African music with the guitars and the deep male voices actually makes me a racist!  No, I'd say it makes me somebody with decent musical taste.

Guitar man

I tried to play my guitar last night.  It's so difficult!  I started playing when I was about eight and it was so hard to stretch my tiny fingers over the fretboard, but I worked hard at it and was actually quite good at it.  Did exams and everything - passed them, even got distinctions in a couple of them (or whatever you get when you're quite good).

I've forgotten it all now.  And my fingers, despite being a little bit bigger than 25 years ago, are so very very weak.

Fuck it though, I can't even get through a single track without needing to skip to the end so I've got no hope of making my way through a piece of sheet music without getting bored half way through.


graceless said...

i need to spend some time making up playlists on my ipod. since i upgraded from 4gb to 80gb, i've put my entire record collection on there, and let me tell you, the "shuffle songs" is suffering for it!

i keep putting it off though, because ijust know it's going to take hours.

Catherine said...

Guitar? You didn't tell me you played the guitar? Anyway, how are things in the north? I need gossip...

Piggy and Tazzy said...

You can download the album art and append it automatically to your existing mp3's if you use something like Gracenote or Mediamonkey (remember - Google and Rapidshare are your friends).

By the way, we've finally got round to doing your updating (we've been really busy, sorry) and everything will be brought up to date before Wee Baby Jesus' birthday.

We've also set you up a front page (bare at the moment), but let us know what you'd like on it and it shall be done!

Carabou B said...

Who cares what sniffy thinks- I love the new home page!

BTW, sniffy, not liking hip-hop doesn't make you racist because it isn't about being a person of dark complexion. It is about being a person of dark complexion in America, so if anything it just makes you anti-American... and really, who isn't these days? Though things to look poised to turn around for us image-wise, don't they?

Sniffy said...

I like my front page, very swish.

No gossip up north I'm afraid.

I'm not a racist, I despise dickheads, no matter what their background or ethnic origin. I quite like traditional Italian music (in moderation), most people don't and I don't think that makes them racist, just in need of musical education.

Playlists are a godsend. I need make more. Even with only 6GB music on my iPod, I have to be in the right mood to listen to about 80% of it.

Carabou B said...

My son likes beyonce and red hot chili peppers

Carabou B said...

I like Bono and U2 and all of the world music played on Afropop Worldwide on public radio an hip-hop and country (which is a lot like pop these days) and opera and madonna and brittney spears! I also really like John Denver (Country roads, take me home, the the place, I belong) and Kenny Rogers, especially his duet with Dolly Parton. I like Pat Benatar and Cyndi Lauper and I am forever and always in love with Nelly, especially for his duet with Kelly Rowland, which I am pretty sure was about me as its release coinsided perfectly with what was happening at that point in my life. Oh, I like genesis too!

Carabou B said...

On a completely different subject... I had a vividly detailed homo-erotic dream last night about a very large breasted venezulan woman, which makes me wonder... Do gay people ever have vivid sex dreams about people of the opposite sex?

Sniffy said...

I think you have homo erotic dreams because you're actually gay and you just don't know it yet.

Sniffy said...

I don't.

Has this turned into Sister Sniffy's Confessional or something? You like U2 and Bono? Who the fuck admits to that?

Beyonce on the other hand.... I have tickets to see Her Deliciousness in May.

Carabou B said...

I think this might have been her

Sniffy said...

Oh Catherine, I didn't mention the guitar because it's obvious from my efforts the other night that I clearly DON'T play it.

Sniffy said...

And Christ on a bike, Lisa! You'd have to be dead to not want to shag her!!!

Carabou B said...

I'm not afraid
Of anything in this world
There's nothing you can throw at me
That I haven't already heard
I'm just trying to find
A decent melody
A song that I can sing
In my own company

Carabou B said...

And normally, I really can't abide by fake breast, but for her I would make an exception

Carabou B said...

Look, here she is again!

Piggy and Tazzy said...

Bono is a deluded cunt. And U2 are shite.

I don't dream about sex with wimmin.

*pauses for a moment to vomit*

I've recently fallen in love with Beyonce (although in a purely platonic way). I hadn't realised until last weeks X-Factor just how beautiful and graceful she was.

I'm glad you like the front page.

I hate Madonna. Can't stand the fucking bitch.

I think Britney Spears needs to be euthanised.

Come to think of it, it'd make great TV if Britney and Madonna were euthanised live on Banzai and we could place bets on who'd snuff it first.

I think my toenails need clipped.

I didn't realise John Denver was still alive.

I think I'll stop there.

Sniffy said...

*plucked* at Christmas

Sniffy said...

John Denver died ages ago, plane crash... in December. Don't you remember the jokes about his guitar being one thing that wouldn't be getting plugged at Christmas?

Anyway, Beyonce is beautiful, in every respect. A thoroughly lovely young lady.

Britney vs Madonna smackdown celebrity death match. With baby oil. I'd watch that.

garfer said...

I despise traditional folk music. This includes gurning Micks buggering about with fiddles, pissed Scotsmen playing the accordion, and Morris Dancers (perverts) rattling their bells.

Sniffy said...

Well throw in an accordion and a clarinet and you've got Italian folk music.

Piggy and Tazzy said...

An accordion? That just ruined my crimbo.