Saturday 6 September 2008


Jesus, you're going through emotional turmoil, spending too much time on your own and what is there to distract you? Telly is crap, time differences mean that I have to be awake in the early hours to have online chats about baby oil fights with delicious Canadians, and the blogworld is crap at the moment too. I mean, I've even resorted to posting messages in Facebook of late, that's how bad things are.

So, to save plummeting further into the abyss of despair, I need to post something.

Things are rubbish, let's just leave it at that. I don't really know where I am or what the future will hold. My emotions are running high, or should I say, to the extreme. I have had shameful lapses with nicotine and booze, neither of which I'm intending to repeat ever again.

Anyway, washing machines. What is it with these things? I'm staying at my folks' this week as they're in Italy again. Their washing machine is really confusing, it's not one that you turn the dial to the "dye everything pink and shrink" setting, it has buttons and flashing lights and different options. I got a bit muddy earlier (nothing to do with lesbian wrestling) and so I'm having to wash my otherwise clean jeans and some socks, knickers and stuff. I put the washing on about 2 hours ago and it's still going! What the fuck is going on?? I could've taken it down to the Irwell and bashed it against some rocks on the riverbank.

I hate Fax machines too. Stupid bloody things.

The liver of a Chinaman
I don't know why I did it, other than stupidity I suppose and possibly because, well if I can't have a drink now, when the hell can I have one, but I had two moderate glasses of whisky last night. I was tired, I hadn't eaten. On top of this, I haven't touched a drop in over eight years. What this means is that my liver has no alcohol dehydrogenase. Whot, whot, whot? It's an enzyme that breaks down alcohol at the start of the metabolic process. Of course, my liver doesn't have any of the enzymes further down the metabolic pathway that help to clear the circulation of aldehydes - the things that make you feel shite when you're hungover - you only synthesise these enzymes if your liver is exposed to the stimulus (alcohol in this case).

Anyway, I got absolutely shitfaced within about 2 minutes and spent all day today feeling utterly wretched, moreso than I had been doing.

So there's a lesson there. You think you want something so much, crave for it, think about it so much that it becomes all consuming, you think Yes, this is what I need, I can't be happy without it. So you cross the line, taste the forbidden fruit, but when you finally get it, it's really disappointing and you wish that you'd have stayed the way you were before. Worst still, you know you've actually cheated yourself and let yourself down, people who know you will be let down and betrayed too and you can never go back to that time just a short while ago; it's been tainted. The fact that you can't go back, that you've blotted your copy book, is much worse than the disappointment of realising that smoking is pretty disgusting and that being drunk just makes you feel crap.

If where you're at is OK, just stick at it.

And if you decide to do some washing, see if there's a "quick wash" setting.


garfer said...

Aye, it's hard to compartmentalise when the colours run.And you're right, it is fucking dull.

pissoff said...

That's why you need to live on a farm. Life is never dull. There are pig pens to clean, bullfrogs to hunt, and banjos to play.

graceless said...

it's these super-energy-efficient washing machines - mine is supposedly the highest rating, yet it takes 3 hours to do a 40 degree wash. that doesn't really make me think the whiskey - go easy on yourself - you're in a shitty enough place as it is.

Sniffy said...

I don't know why people want excitement in their lives. Give me contentment any day.No more booze for Tina, no, no, no. I've learned my lesson.As for the fags, well I think there are three left and chucking them away would be a really bad waste of money (sic).

garfer said...

I have taken the Scottish phrase "take control of it before it takes control of you" to heart. I only drink at weekends, and am a total abstainer for the other five days. It seems to work, and my bank balance and liver are considerably healthier as a consequence.I still like my tabs mind, but only the old lag slimly rolled variety.

Sniffy said...

Yes, "tabs", I'm afraid I succumbed to a pack of 20 this morning. IDIOT!I don't have them with me now.

Captain Karen said...

No one ever IM's me to discuss the finer points of all female petroleum product-based wrestling. I feel as though I'm missing out on something here...Frankly, excitement is overrated. Stick to orange juice and you can't go wrong. Unless of course you're allergic and then you'll go to the hospital. Sorry, I'm not very good with advice am I?

Peevish McSnark said...

Drink lots of water. Eat sensibly and in moderation. Stop smoking. Die anyway.Whatever gets you through, Sniffy... You've still got big hugs coming at you from the US.Bronwen

Tickersoid said...

Fax machines are far worse than washing machines. Your clothes come out just as dirty as when they went in!As for substance abuse, have you tried mint imperials. My sister gave up fags and booze and swears by them.

Puppy and Hippo said...

We feel betrayed and let down by you.Have you considered handwashing? Or perhaps a washing board just like granny used to have?We were expecting you to do something exciting - like you doing a Britney and chopping all you hair off, or something. Then smashing a few cars with a big bat.You'd look ace as a baldie.

Sniffy said...

I don't think I've ever been bald, not on my head at least. I had a bit of an accident with the clippers the other week...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you're doing this. What year is it? Bloody 2000 all over again?? Tw*t.

Sniffy said...

Oh come on Willis, just call me a cunt. That's what I am and I know it.

Puppy and Hippo said...

We'll call you a cunt.Cunt.Nah, it doesn't sound right coming from the mouth of a fluffy puppy and a mouthless hippo.

Sniffy said...

It sounds right coming from the mouths of a pair of bastards though.

Puppy and Hippo said...

"I had a bit of an accident with the clippers the other week..."Were you trimming your moustache?

Lady Muck said...

Dammit, Tickers got the joke in before I got a chance.I find only only owning black clothes solves the washing machine problem. Are there no baby oil throwing chatters in your time zone? This is something that needs fixing...

Puppy and Hippo said...
