Thursday 28 August 2008


There comes a time in everyone's lives where something impacts on them badly and they need to take time out to regroup and sort themselves out.

Circumstances chez Trumpsniffer are in terminal decline, dead in fact. A couple of months after moving in, before we'd got started on moving to the next phase of our lives together, Trump decided - with an impeccable sense of timing - that it is over for us.

Sniffy has been left in a state of devastation and confusion that is impossible to describe. Having the world collapse around a person doesn't leave them in the best state of mind for anything other than alternating between various emotional states, none of which are conducive to any activity resembling what might be normal for a person. The need for self preservation might include the occasional outpouring of hurt, grief, anger in a blog, but I think I need to concentrate on doing things like getting out of bed in the morning, getting a shower, eating, etc, etc.

Pretending things are ok for the timebeing. That'll be fun. It won't leave much energy for blogging.

Cheerio for now. I'll be back soon when things have started to heal a bit.


Anonymous said...

I could spout cliches but I won't

I've been there, and it's devastating.

Take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Aww shit Sniff, sorry to hear that. Been there too and it's a shitter.

Take care.


Anonymous said...

shit, that's horrible.

make sure that in amongst the pretending to be fine you make sure you're good to yourself.

Anonymous said...


Sorry about all that -- been there. Just work on putting one foot in front of the other.

Will look forward to your return.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about this, Sniffy. Hang in there - take all the time you need. We await your return.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Sniff.

I'm just a phone call away if you need to talk.

Listen to graceless... be good to yourself, you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sniffy, I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm sending you cheesy cyber-hugs from across the Atlantic.

Take it one day at a time.

Anonymous said...

I'm slightly shocked.

I guess you just have to keep going through the motions until you find the joy.

A bit like a cocain mule in the toilets after the flight.

Anonymous said...

Really sorry to hear that. Sometimes life just kicks you right in the teeth

Anonymous said...

sorry to discover your awful news. i hope when your days brighten that you'll return to this blog.readrds

Anonymous said...


My deepest possible sympathies.

Cliches are your friends, sometimes.

(the rest of the time: us lot are)

Here's to the future - you are simply too.. right, for it to be possible that it can defeat you. Quite the reverse.