Wednesday 2 April 2008

Here's your stupid 7 Up

Well, the album's on its way, the first single is out and here's the video.

Yep, The B52's are back. Actually, they've finally realised that the apostrophe is incorrect and rebranded themselves as The B52s, but I feel it's 20 years too late.

The album itself is fabulous (if you like that sort of thing).

What other band could get away with singing about space ships, shopping malls, sea creatures, 2" tall poodles called Quiche Lorraine, strobe lights and kissing pineapples? All with an environmental conscience, all with a bit of cheek and all so camp?

Sniffy is happy.


Anonymous said...

And... what is that you're happy about?

Anonymous said...

I lost interest in the band the moment they abandoned the erroneous possessive apostrophe.

I'm sorry, it's just the way I feel.

Anonymous said...

I need a coffee.

Anonymous said...

I can't take any more. I tried watching the video all the way through but I was getting anxiety. It must be the plague.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe they dropped the apostrophe either; it cheapens them somehow.

April, stop being such a girl - you've seen a couple of mice, it's not the end of the world. And don't talk to me about coffee, Trump poisoned me with decaff yesterday - thought I was going to die!

Anonymous said...


The Devil's brew.

Anonymous said...

And she actually had the cheek to say that she'd have suffocated me with my pillow if I'd complained!